Saturday, March 31, 2012

Take off the diaper


Approximately two years of age when the child begins to have some control over half its excretory function.

There are no specific ages since learning of each child is individual, although it is known that approximately two to three years the child should control the pee and poop little later. As proposed age limit two years, age at which we should consult with your doctor if there is any physical or emotional problem.

The withdrawal phase of the diaper is for children a new challenge that must confront unarmed, no security, so it is imperative that parents may bring the situation to not cause the child fears or resistance.
First you should make sure that it is the time when your child wants to stop using the diaper, never force the situation because you decide that now is the time. Each child is in its development phase and some find it harder than others, gives your child time to reach this maturity.
Al principio la retirada<br>del pañal será dificil
At first the withdrawal
the diaper is difficult
For your part you should be aware of certain signs that may give us clues as to whether the time has come. These tracks are often invisible to some and are important, such as whether the child wants to get on the toilet and sit as the elderly, also notes if you like flushing or want to get older underwear as his brother.
One important thing is to monitor the urinary response, checks for long periods in which the diaper is dry or after the night or nap time is kept dry, this indicates that the time is coming and that the child controls a little more his sphincter.
On the other hand look at what their response when the diaper is wet or dirty, look to see if it bothers you, pull it, I want to remove, this indicates that mature and already realizes he has urinated, smallest thing not being identified.
In her non-verbal communication can also find some notes if you move tracks anxious before wetting or stops and stands still just before doing so, this indicates that it is realizing that you are urinating and therefore may control if we give instructions.
When taught to use the toilet or urinal will be very helpful to use a model, for example may be the mother and brother
Is a gradual process
Like everything in the child, the final withdrawal of the diaper will need a gradual learning process with errors and successes for which we must be prepared.
Our attitude should be calm and understanding giving explanations to the child every time you get a goal or every time you make a mistake, our goal will not feel bad every time you pee and show up naturally happens to all and normal children. We will make every effort to avoid criticism, jokes for adults or other siblings since the child may feel guilty and lose self-esteem.
Although he wet his pants or the bed several times, never complain of dirty clothes or work giving because believe it is their fault and not evolve, you will feel pressured by the environment and this will be counterproductive.
When taught to use the toilet or urinal will be very helpful to use a model, for example may be the mother and one brother.
The child sees the other as they use it naturally and it will get used to it too.
We also help the dolls that pee or poop or the stories they talk about it, we can invent characters and draw them so that the child can color in situations always in the bathroom.
To get the child used the potty in the toilet first and then he will sit every day several times, but do nothing, in order to associate the object to the excretory function.
When I buy underwear or potty more you will engage in the purchase, for the point which you like best and often delude with the idea of ​​being more and get it. We must not hesitate for a moment that will get it, especially if he is ahead. Messages will always support and encouragement but not excessive for generarle not a fear of failure then we disappoint us. The key is normal.
Celebrate each success especially to provoke motivation, remember that rewarded behavior is repeated over time and tend to disappear or punished not improve, so that punishment is not a good weapon to get our son to control the sphincter. Note that is a growth stage and will like the other, remember when you have lots of sheets to wash and take it quiet
Avoid at all costs comparison with other children their age because it will make you feel inferior if others have done it and he did not. This process avoids contact with mothers who boast of the achievements of their children and to make you feel bad to you. Explain that each takes time and that's not good or bad, if you resort to some as it is for him to get information on how you achieved the other, so that he does well to see if it works, but never compare him or minus valorarle.
It uses older siblings or cousins ​​to encourage him by telling their experiences, explain to children that your child is sad because they can not control the pee and then you encourage others, be willing to help.
Finally, keep in mind that this is a time of change in the child that will provoke fears and insecurities, do not mix other situations that may cause anxiety because then it will overflow. If you are going towards changes in the family leaves the control of pee later. Address changes, new schools, vacation or unbalance the child separations and more pressure will be counterproductive, expected to pass.

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Bronchiolitis In Baby


What is bronchiolitis?

Bronchiolitis is a common viral infection that goes through about every third baby in its first year of life. Most of the virus occurs in the winter months, in the typical cold season from October to March. Bronchiolitis is a form of Cold Ignite in the smallest airways (bronchioles) in the lung. They swell and fill with mucus. This makes breathing difficult.

Responsible for this are several viruses that are commonly respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) and rhinoviruses, which also Middle ear infections, Pseudo-Krupp and can cause pneumonia.

How do I know if my baby has bronchiolitis?

Bronchiolitis is usually a bit stronger than the common cold. But the first symptoms are the same:
  • runny or stuffy nose
  • hacking cough
  • temperature increased from 37.5 to 38 degrees C.
  • Anorexia

After two or three days, the symptoms worse:
  • the cough is persistent
  • breathing is rapid, shallow and labored
  • the heart beats faster than usual
  • feeding may be difficult, perhaps your child refuses to eat.

When should I bring my baby to the doctor?

If you are not sure whether it is a bronchiolitis or a cold, then go to the children's physician / pediatrician. He / she will then measure the oxygen in the blood and then decide whether the child is hospitalized may need. However, although the symptoms seem dangerous and you do worry, understandably, most cases of bronchiolitis harmless and can be treated safely at home.

Only about two percent of all babies develop severe bronchiolitis and must be treated in hospital. Check with your doctor / health care professional if you notice any of these symptoms in your baby:
  • There has been drinking in the last 24 hours, only half the usual amount of milk
  • It shows signs of Dehydration - Are no wet diaper dry for six hours or longer, or mouth and lips
  • the Fever rises above 38 degrees C.
  • There seems to be sleepy and lethargic
  • It has difficulty with breathing (see below)
A severe bronchiolitis caused respiratory problems, so keep an eye on your baby and immediately call an ambulance or go directly to the hospital when your baby shows any of the following symptoms:
  • it wheezes (a rasping, whistling sound while breathing)
  • the nostrils swell
  • the skin between the ribs, collarbone or below the ribs with each breath is sucked inward seemingly
  • It groans and his stomach muscles contract with each breath
  • His lips and fingernails are blue
  • the respiration is accelerated to more than 60 breaths per minute
  • breathing is sometimes made for a few seconds
Some babies have a higher risk to get severe bronchiolitis than others. Go to the Children's physician / pediatrician if you think your child has bronchiolitis and:
  • is younger than three months
  • was a Premature birth
  • has since the birth of health problems, such as lung or heart problems
  • has a weakened Immunsysten
  • in the past has ever needed extra oxygen

How can I treat Bronchiolits home?

Because bronchiolitis is a viral infection, you can not do much except wait until the immune system has done its work. In most cases, the sounds from bronchiolitis after one to two weeks.

Most doctors recommend the same treatment as in a Cold. Here's what you can do to help your baby be suffering:
    • Encourage your baby to drink a lot. If you still then you give him as much as possible the chest. If your baby Baby food or even solid food gets, then you can also give him water. If it has problems with breathing, your child will not want to drink a lot at once. Offer him so often a few sips to prevent it from dehydrated and the fever is reduced.

    • You can give your baby a fever or a suppository be suitable for children ibuprofen or acetaminophen, if it is older than three months. Read the package insert and speak with your doctor or pharmacist if you are unsure because of the dose. Paracetamol and ibuprofen reduce the Fever and alleviate neck pain, your baby will eat and drink in simple and can.

    • If your baby has a stuffy nose due to his problems with feeding, then hold it while eating as possible in an upright position. You can buy saline nose drops at the pharmacy to make the noose. Drops of the solution 15 minutes before each feeding into the nostrils.

    • Raise the head end of the crib or baby bed or easily let your baby sleep in the car seat if it is older than six months (younger children are mostly related slumped in a car seat, which hinder breathing even more). If you lift the head of your baby, then it gets better air despite a blocked nose.

  • Steam inhalation can open the airways and loosen your baby's cough. However, you should not directly expose your baby hot steam, because it could scald. The safer method is to take your baby with the bath. Turn on the hot water in the shower together and you stay a few minutes in the water vapor. Afterwards you have to dress your baby, of course, something dry.
If possible, give a child under six years of no-counter cold medications because of the feared side effects. Before you play around with any medication, ask your GP or pediatrician. Above all, you never give your child a cold medicine that is intended for adults.

Can bronchiolitis lead to complications?

After bronchiolitis have some babies breath or a cough keuchendere, especially during a Cold. Asthma and other respiratory difficulties were taken by researchers in conjunction with bronchiolitis.

Very rarely develops from bronchiolitis in infants with pneumonia. In babies with congenital heart or lung defects can worsen the condition bronchiolitis.

How can I prevent bronchiolitis?

As the disease spreads as droplet infection, it is often passed on in nurseries, offices and even among friends. The virus survives long in the air or on the palms about six hours, so hygiene is important. Wash your hands frequently with warm water and antibacterial soap. Insist that all who handle your baby, also wash their hands before.

Keep your baby from colds people and avoid large crowds.

10 safe home remedy for colds and flu in baby


1) honey (for children aged 12 months)

How it helps
Honey soothes and caresses the neck and relieve the cough.
In a study by the Pennsylvania State University's College of Medicine, found that parents of 105 children aged 2 to 18 years, that honey is more helpful in the treatment of nocturnal cough and works better than cough syrup.

What you need
Honey is available in any grocery store.
Honey is often hard at room temperature. Fill out a few spoonfuls of honey in a container and heat it briefly in the microwave or bring water to a boil and then set the glass with honey five or ten minutes in the very hot water to soften it.

If your child is old to five years, you can give him half a teaspoon of honey. If it is between six and eleven years old, give him a teaspoon.
Some parents mix the honey with hot water and add a squeeze of lemon, which gives a bit of vitamin C along with the soothing honey.
Since honey is a sticky sweetness, it is important to brush your teeth after taking, especially if he had taken at bedtime.

Please note: Give your child no honey before his first birthday. This could cause a rare and sometimes fatal disease that is called infant botulism. Read Is honey safe for my baby?

2) A nose pot (for children over 4 years)

How it helps
A nasal rinsing pot of a mild salt solution through the nasal passages, moistens this area and dilutes, dissolves and washes away the mucus.
According to a report that was published in 2008, experts have 390 children aged six to ten years investigated and found that a nasal spray that is produced from sea water, faster in cold symptoms gave relief as the standard medications for colds. It is not certain whether the salt is simply helps to remove the mucus, or trace elements in water have a positive effect. But other scientists who have studied the effect of saline nasal irrigation were also benefits.

What you need
A nasal pot that looks like a small watering can or a tea pot. It is usually made of ceramic or metal.
Your child must also be willing to cooperate and participate in the procedure. It does not hurt, but first a little strange. This is definitely not suitable for babies or small children. Older children (and adults) make it perhaps not. Some people find it great, while others find it terrible.

Tilt your child's head over the sink to the side and insert the spout of the jug into the nostril, so water can run through the nasal passages and they moisten and clean. This requires a bit of practical handling, but it's easy when you first know how it goes.
Try this first go at yourself before you show your child how to use a nasal pot. Then you can watch your child with you when you use it. And help him finally, when it is ready.

Here is the basic method:
  1. Fill a pot with warm salt solution.
  2. Lean over the sink, tilt your head sideways and place the spout of the jug deep into the nostril. The water flows gently through the nostrils and comes out the other nostril. (Breathe out during the rinsing your mouth.)
  3. Repeat with the other nostril.
It is perhaps easiest to practice this with your child in the bathtub or shower.

Please note: Do not force any child to do so if it is not ready. This must be a very gentle procedure. If the child is fighting back, it may be traumatized or his nasal passages may be damaged.

3) nose clean (for children over 2 years)

How it helps
If the nose is freed from mucus, it will help your child to breathe, she sleeps better and feels better. And it looks even better!

What you need
A pack of soft tissues.

How do you do that?
Many children do not learn do this before her fourth birthday, but some are willing to just two years.

Tips on how to teach a child to blow your nose:
  • Tell your child that they should imitate what you do. Some children do not need anymore.
  • Explain that the nose-blowing is a "smell in the opposite direction."
  • Let your child hold one nostril and practice, blow out the air from the other gently. A mirror or a small piece of tissue under the nose helps him here to see his breath as well.
  • Teach him to brush his nose gently. Snort too hard can damage the ears.
  • Give your child his own little box with colorful tissue paper.
  • Teach him, used handkerchiefs to throw in the trash and wash his hands after blowing your nose.
If the nose of your child, after all the brushing and blowing the nose is sore, you can apply a little petroleum jelly or other ointment suitable for children around the nostrils.

4) A bulb syringe (suitable for babies)

How it helps
It cleans the nose of children who are too young to brush their nose. A bulb syringe is really useful if you bother to give a stuffy nose while nursing or when shopping. Apply it 15 minutes earlier on.
To clean a clogged nose with a bulb syringe works best for small babies. If an older child, this procedure does not matter, but there is no reason not to apply it.

What you need
  • A bulb syringe
  • Salt-water solution

You can buy saline nose drops in bottles in a pharmacy or make your own.

The recipe for homemade saline nose drops: Dissolve half a teaspoon of salt in 240 ml of warm water. Make it fresh every day and keep it on with a clean glass cover. Bacteria can grow in this solution. Therefore, you should no longer keep the saline solution over 24 hours.

How it is applied
  1. Tilt your baby's head back and press for 10 to 20 drops of saline in each nostril to thin the mucus and resolve. Try then to keep his head about 10 seconds still.
  2. Squeeze the bulb syringe and insert the tip gently into his nostril.
  3. Leave the syringe slowly going to suck so the mucus and saline.
  4. Remove the syringe and push the balloon, where you collect the mucus in a tissue.
  5. Wipe the syringe and take the other nostril.
  6. Repeat the procedure if necessary.
Vacuum release the nose of your baby only a few times a day, because otherwise you may irritate the mucous membranes. Use saline drops for no longer than four days, because you can dry the nose over time, exacerbating the condition may still be.

If your baby is really unhappy with the syringe, use saline nose drops, and then wipe the nostrils gently with a cotton ball. This is not the sucking force of the syringe, but better than nothing!

Please note: Use a decongestant nasal spray unless your doctor advises you not. It may work for some time, it can also have the opposite effect and make the constipation worse in the long run.

5) Gargling with salt water (for children over 4 years)

How it helps
Gargling with salt water is a proven agent to treat a sore throat. It also helps to rid the throat of mucus. Scientists have not yet figured out exactly why it works, but studies have shown that this actually means relief.

What you need
Warm salt water.
Simply enter a half teaspoon of salt in a glass of warm water and stir around. If your child the taste does not matter, one or two squirts of lemon to be a soothing addition.
Your child must be old enough to get to gargle. For many children this means school age or older.

How it's done
We recommend a three or four times a day for gargling.

A few tips on how to teach your child gargle:
  • Practice just with water.
  • Tell your child that he should hold his head back, and then try to keep the water at the back of the throat, without drinking it.
  • If it's well controlled, it will try to make noises in his throat. Show them what it looks like and how it sounds.
  • Teach him, spit out and not swallow the water.

6) The head set higher (all ages)

How it helps
Elevating the head may help your child breathe while resting and sleeping.

What you need
Towels and pillows to raise the top of the mattress or pillow to elevate your child's head.

How it's done
If your child sleeps in a crib, put some towels or a thin pillow under the mattress. Do not put towels or pillows along with your child in the manger, because it can choke you. Also try not to make the legs of the crib later. This could be the crib can be unstable.

If your child is sleeping in a king size bed, an extra pillow can already fulfill the purpose under his head. But if your child is very restless during sleep and a lot of back and forth turns, it is better to raise the head of the bed by sliding towels or a pillow under the mattress. This results in a smoother and more comfortable angle as an extra pillow under his head.

Another option is to let your child sleep in his car seat. Many adults sleep in their favorite easy chair when they are ill, your child is asleep, perhaps even better in a semi-sitting position. If your school child while sleeping should be high, it may be more comfortable sleeping in a chair.

Please note: Whether crib or bed is: do not overdo it. If your child is a restless sleeper, maybe it turns around so that his feet will be higher than the head, making all efforts to nothing.

7) Plenty of rest (all ages)

How it helps
The fight against infection needs strength, and this can deplete a child (or adult). If your child is rested, it gesundet, and that's exactly what it needs.

Studies have shown that stress also plays a role in diseases. If your child is under pressure - because of the school, some friends and events at home - you grant him peace, that's probably exactly what it takes to deal with the symptoms are.

What you need
A comfortable place where you can relax your child, and something that can deal with.

How it's done
Now is the time to read to your child and to deal with it. Or give it new color pencils, paper or a coloring book. Even a puzzle can be done in bed. Exceptionally, it may also view his times LieblingsDVD or his TV show again.

A bed is of course not necessarily the best place to rest. A change of location may be helpful. If the weather is nice, set up for your child a comfortable place on the balcony or garden. In the house you might make something more interesting than the bed - for example a tent in the living room or a cozy corner full of cushions in your area.

If it is difficult for your child to calm down, help him by making it cozy with a few books. Teach him nursery rhymes or tell each other stories. Or give him the phone so that it can hold a chat with friends or Grandma.

8) Steam (all ages)

How it works
Exposure to moist air, supports the release of mucus in the nasal passages. A warm bath has the added effect that it relaxes your child.

What you need
A humidifier, vaporizer (evaporator) and a bathroom full of steam.
Make sure that the humidifier often (every three days is recommended) and cleaned according to the manufacturer. Humidifiers accumulate mold, they spray into the air if they are not kept scrupulously clean.

Place a humidifier or vaporizer in the room to where your child sleeps, rests and plays.

Give your child a warm bath in a bathroom full of steam. If it is old enough, you can use it in the bathroom as long as it wants to be playing - of course under supervision. Add to the bath water (or vaporizer) a few drops of menthol, eucalyptus or pine oil. This gives your child may feel less clogged too. These oils are available at most health food stores.

If it is not an appropriate time for a bath, just turn on the hot water faucet in the bathtub or the shower and stay with your child about 15 minutes in a room full of steam. (Bring a few books.)

9) Lots of fluids (for children aged 6 months)

How it works
The drinking lots of fluids to prevent dehydration which, dilutes the secretions of the nose and flushes them out. Moreover, is liquefied and the mucus in the bronchi and can be coughed up better.

What you need
Fluids that your child likes drinking.

As applied
Plain water is wonderful, but your child is not perhaps so tempting. Try it with Smoothies and other popular healthy beverages and ice that was made from the juices.

Caution: Stay in babies younger than six months, breast milk or breast milk substitutes, if your doctor has recommended otherwise. How small babies need no water and could even be harmful too much.

10), chicken soup and other hot liquids (for children aged 6 months)

How they work
Hot liquids can be very beneficial and provide relief for a stuffy nose. Studies have shown that chicken soup really cold symptoms such as pain, fatigue, nasal congestion and Fever eases.

What you need
Soup and tea or hot liquids that your child likes.

Serve hot soup (not hot). A soup from a can works just as well as a self-made, say scientists at the University of Nebraska.
If your child is at least six months old, it may taste a weak, tepid chamomile tea.

Please note: There are other herbal teas that are safe for children. But ask your doctor before you give your child a chamomile tea than others, because not all "natural" products are safe.

Stick with breast milk and breast milk substitute for babies under six months, if your doctor has recommended otherwise. How small babies need no water and could even be harmful to a lot of it.

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Strawberry Birthmark (hemangioma) In Baby


What is a hemangioma?

A strawberry mark, hemangioma medically, is a benign tumor. Your pediatrician will probably speak of a tumor, but that you should not worry. Tumor circumscribes only the fact that there is a change in tissue. With a sponge or expand blood vessels proliferate small skin like a sponge, hence the name.

Hemangiomas are common in newborns, about one to three percent of affected infants, Are present or visible with about 30 percent of hemangiomas at birth, 70% occur between the second and fifth week of life. Girls are affected five times more likely than boys.

Unlike normal mother and birth marks of the blood sponge initially grows and shrinks in most cases, then disappears again until he. Most other birth times remain unchanged.

Rarely hemangioma at birth have already reached full size. They can grow up to 18 months on, only then they may gradually decline. This is sometimes very slowly. By the time a blood sponge is completely gone, it can take between three to ten years. It can also go faster. About 80 percent of hemangiomas disappear gradually either entirely or at least partially.

Some hemangiomas are small and inconspicuous, but others are very large and disfiguring - particularly because they occur in four out of five times in the face and neck. However, they can form anywhere where blood vessels (ie the whole body, even internally). Even if they disappear by themselves, hemangiomas can leave scars that look ugly for a lifetime.

The cause of hemangiomas is unclearPresumably they are not genetically. You as parents should therefore not feel guilty, you did nothing wrong. What is important now, as soon as possible to make an accurate diagnosis in order to begin treatment.

What are hemangiomas?

There are different forms depending on the level of development and also see the hemangiomas varies. In infants, occur mainly two ways. Depending on how deep they go under the skin, it is divided into capillary (superficial) and cavernous (deep) forms. In the beginning they usually appear as bluish or pale red patch on the skin.

Kapilläres Hämangiom. Capillaries are tiny blood vessels, thus it is also formed blood sponge is relatively small. It is red and forms on the skin or mucosa. They look like a strawberry and form, in most cases, back yourself.

Cavernous hemangioma. These hemangiomas occur in larger blood vessels and are divided according to depth in the skin and subcutaneous again in cutaneous hemangioma, and a mixture of both. The cutaneous hemangioma is reddish and forms a soft lumps on the skin, which can also bluish shimmer. It is usually resolve without treatment. The subcutaneous hemangioma is flat and shimmering blue, it is not so sharply limited. This rare tumor forms are self-limiting.

Hemangiomas are harmless?

In most cases they are not nice to look at though, but innocuous. Hemangiomas can be dangerous, you can not see. Some do not grow on the skin, but in the body and thus can block vital organs or breathing, seeing, hearing, or even prevent the ingestion of food. This is also true for hemangiomas that grow very close to the eyes or ears. These haemangioma should be removed as soon as possible.

The following symptoms may indicate an inward hemangioma:
    • a yellowish color, indicative of jaundice

    • Blood in stool

  • Severe wheezing (whistling or hissing, barking cough) and breathing difficulties
If your child has more than three superficial haemangioma, then the doctor should be an ultrasound done to rule out internal haemangioma.

Find a doctor even if the tumor is growing very fast and / or changes the form.

The majority of hemangiomas is safe, not painful and does not cause discomfort. Sometimes they are somewhat sensitive to pressure and can burst into flames. But they are disturbing, especially from an aesthetic point of view.

How can they treat?

To treat, until it should have an accurate diagnosis. By ultrasound or a CT scan rarely the exact size and depth of the hemangioma can be found. With a vascular Doppler blood flow is measured.

It is often easy to maintain, whether regress hemangiomas that are not life threatening, of course. If this happens in the first year of life, usually no treatment is necessary, although the risk remains of scarring. However, the treatments often have negative consequences, so parents should consider whether they should leave the sponge to remove blood for cosmetic reasons or not. Treatment can be useful if the hemangioma disfigured face, not regresses and your child might be teased by others, but what is in the first two years of life still is not the case.

Is usually treated with laser therapy or by freezing (cryotherapy). The latter, however painful, can cause swelling and scarring. In some cases, the tumor is surgically removed. Irradiation is rarely done today because the damage is too severe for the treatment.

For very large capillary hemangiomas can also be treated with medication, for example with steroids.

Depending on the size of the hemangioma treatment lasts one to several sessions. After each treatment, a blood sponge should be checked regularly by the agency physician.

What can I do?

You can prevent hemangiomas, you can also even do anything to prevent them from growing or to accelerate the disappearance. You can try one of the above treatments, but if you decide against treatment with laser or freezing, then you can do is wait. Remember: As long as the blood sponge your baby is not seeing or hearing impaired, it is completely safe and causes him no pain. Watch the tumor, however, very carefully and go to the doctor when she grows quickly and does not regress even after several months.

Breastfeeding - Step by Step

Breastfeeding is more than the baby pushing on your chest and let nature take its course. For many women who are first time mothers, breastfeeding is a book with seven seals. How can you lay the baby on properly, so suck it good? To develop a good technique, follow these steps:

Tickling the corners of the mouth of your baby with your finger or nipple. To encourage it to suck.

Wait until the baby has opened his mouth before offering the nipple perpendicular to it. Many women with her free hand like her breast in his hand, so that the baby is well on the nipple.

Make sure that your baby gets the right breast in his mouth. A large part of the nipples court, if not all, should be covered in baby's mouth. Important: upper and lower lips of your baby should be slipped to the outside (like a small fish mouth!). Otherwise, it swallows too much air.

It is best if your baby's mouth is open wide so that you can invest it well.

As long as your baby drinks, keep it close to the body, sometimes it is helpful to press his head and neck a little in itself. This is also good if you use a nursing pillow.

If done properly, breastfeeding may be a great, wonderfully intimate experience for both mother and child.

Breastfeed prepare

Learn and read as much about breastfeeding before your baby is born. Talk to other mothers who have breastfed, read books, to begin to familiarize yourself and contact a local breastfeeding group. Visit a prep course, and learn about lactation consultants in your area. The more you have the techniques and the benefits of breastfeeding knowledge, the greater your chances of success. Whether you are thinking about it or not, your body prepares to breastfeed during pregnancy. This is one of the reasons why your breasts grow during this time so much - your milk ducts and milk-producing glands develop, in addition, the breast with blood more. But the size of your breasts does not say anything about how well you can breastfeed - even if your breast is small, you will in no way hinder the mind to feed your baby yourself.

Do I need to toughen my nipples or do anything else to prepare?
The hormonal changes that occur during pregnancy in the breasts are completely natural, the best preparation for breastfeeding. Additional Scratch to toughen the nipples is not necessary and is considered outdated. On the contrary, often the chest is touch sensitive. Lactation consultants therefore advise to wash your breasts with water only and to dispense with soap and shower gels, because they dry out the skin and make them more susceptible to sore nipples. Another possibility is to inform the doctor or midwife at the birth of about that you want as much skin contact with your baby as soon as it is in the world. Even if you have a Caesarean section , you can put your baby shortly after birth on your belly / your chest. In the baby-friendly hospitals they will help you around two hours after birth, to put the baby for the first time to your chest. Maybe he drinks already, but maybe it just wants to lick, smell and snuggle. All these things you will be helpful later on during breastfeeding. Moreover, even if you have twins, you can breastfeed !

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