Since the baby is born, the best food you can receive is the breast milk , here we explain the basics of breastfeeding . Mother's milk in addition to having all the nutrients a baby needs to grow healthy and strong, also has elements immunizing passes through it. In addition, breastfeeding is more convenient for the mother, do not prepare the formula and sterilize bottles, feeding the baby at night is much more practical, not get up to prepare it. And it's certainly a lot cheaper. Not spent at all. It also helps the mother regain her figure and trim the kilos that have been gained during pregnancy, and assistance in the future health of women.
However, not always possible to breastfeed for various reasons. Some women have some difficulty breastfeeding for certain health conditions or other personal reasons.
If this is your case, you should not feel bad or guilty, the formulas are also very good, and are made to meet the nutritional needs of babies. Although they can not duplicate the exact chemical composition of breast milk, especially for its cells, hormones and antibodies to fight disease, contain carbohydrates, proteins, fats, vitamins and minerals in a manner similar to breast milk. There are mothers who breastfeed but at some point have to resort to formula. Give the bottle also allows you to convey love and affection to your baby.
The formula should be used during the first year of baby's life, since children are not ready for cow's milk in the first 12 months of life. Next year you can give your baby whole milk, but not to use skim milk or reduced fat, they do not have enough calories and fat that the baby needs. Cow's milk alone is not an appropriate diet for infants because of the small kidney is not yet able to tolerate it, so it can eventually cause the non-tolerance to milk proteins.
You will have a number of precautions when giving formula. Choose the formula for your baby First you should consult your pediatrician for advice choosing what type of formula for your baby. There are two basic types of formula: which is made based on cow's milk, and made based on soybean. It may be that babies are intolerant and have an allergic reaction to the one made based on cow's milk, so they advise you to turn your made based on soy. Some formulas are fortified with iron, others have very low doses of iron and other directly contain nothing of this mineral. There are several ways in which this product is presented:
- Ready to use: This milk is more expensive but requires no prior preparation
- Concentrated liquid is a bit cheaper than the previous one. Mixing the formula with water in equal parts.
- Powder: It is the cheapest. Mixing the powder with water
Use only the formulas approved by health authorities, do not use homemade formulas as it may not contain all the nutrients your baby needs for healthy and normal development.
formulas available
- Home: For babies from 0 to 6 months.
- Continuation: Between 6 and 12 months.
- Formula for premature babies.
- Lactose-free formula: For children between 0 and 24 months.
- Formula based on soy protein: For infants allergic to milk protein.
- Hydrolysed formula: For babies with allergies.
How to know whether to change the formula if the baby becomes fussy, if you have some allergic reactions, or if you notice any change in color or consistency of the stool of the baby, or frequency of the same, you may need to change the formula . If you notice any unusual symptoms you should consult your pediatrician, who will recommend to do.
Hygiene and sterilization Hygiene is very important when preparing food for your baby. Note that the defense system of young babies is underdeveloped.
You are advised to have a bottle for each shot, with a corresponding nipple. Sometimes the nipples bring a very small hole, making it difficult to suction the baby gets tired and swallow air, which can cause gas. If this happens enlarge the nipple hole with a hot needle. You must sterilize the bottles, caps and nipples themselves before first use. You can boil them in water for 5 minutes. Each time you finish using them should be washed with soap and water, and rinse them in abundance. Use a long brush to get to the bottom of the bottle and remove all traces of milk. You are advised to esterilices bottles and nipples once a day. Store in the refrigerator to keep them sterile. Do not store the remains of milk the baby stopped, they often become contaminated easily, if you throw them remained in the bottle for more than an hour.
Preparation of the formula must wash your hands thoroughly before preparing.
You must follow the instructions that came in each formula, carefully measuring the elements of the mix. If you put too little water can upset the stomach or kidneys of the baby, and if you add a lot, diminishes the quality of the food. Improper mixing of the ingredients can cause abdominal pain. It is recommended that if you use water, boil for 1 or 2 first minutes and then let it cool, or use bottled water. It is very safe to use unboiled tap water because it can be contaminated. For formula must use cold water. To warm formula, place the bottle in a pan with hot water and wait a few minutes to lukewarm.
To see if you throw yourself at the correct temperature a few drops on the wrist. Just be warm, not hot.
Do not use the microwave to heat the bottle, it may happen that the pacifier from getting too hot, or that the formula has been hot in some parts more than others, and the baby will burn. You should keep prepared formula in the refrigerator, well covered, but not freeze. You cover the open can of formula or liquid concentrate well in the refrigerator, and you use it within 48 hours after opening. Do not leave prepared formula out of the fridge for more than two hours.
How much to take the baby? Usually you have to give the formula on demand. He will make you understand when you're hungry, and leave the bottle when full. Usually the formula has more calories than breast milk, so the baby will need fewer daily doses. Monthly monitoring is very important to the baby's weight, that will indicate if you are fed in appropriate amounts. To give you an idea, babies need approximately:
- 6 to 8 shots of formula per day during the first month
- 5 to 6 shots a day of formula 1 to 3 months
- 4 to 5 shots per day of formula 3 to 7 months
- 3 to 4 shots of formula per day for 7 to 9 months
The proper amount you should give at each feeding depends on the weight and age of the baby. It also depends on if these feeding in combination with breast milk or solid foods.
So you should consult with your doctor to know about the baby milliliters need to consume per day.
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