What is a urinary tract or bladder infection?
The urinary tract infection is an inflammation of the lower urinary tract. Normally,
urine drains from the kidneys through the so-called ureters into the
bladder, where it is then excreted through the urethra into the diaper. But
bacteria can establish themselves, they either come through the skin on
the buttocks and the genitals or get into the urethra through the blood
to the kidneys. This may cause at every point of this chain inflammation.
What can be signs of a urinary tract infection?
It's really difficult to judge. For many babies is an unexplained fever the only symptom, so a lot of urethral infections are not detected. But sometimes the children show other symptoms. If your child is uncomfortable with any of the following symptoms feel, it could have a UTI: • fever • vomiting • tiredness • irritability • It eats drinks / not good • will not • jaundice smaller the child, the fewer the symptoms are directed to the urinary tract. The following symptoms may make a urinary tract infection even more likely - unfortunately some of them are just for babies is not well determined, because the children can express the pain just by crying, but the diagnosis in young children may be helpful: • Pain during urination • constant urination • abdominal pain • stitch • foul-smelling urine • Blood in the urineShould I call the doctor? What tests will he need?
It is important that you go to the doctor when you suspect an infection path Harm. If the inflammation is left untreated for a long time, they could walk up to the kidneys, where it can cause long-term damage. Babies under two years are particularly at risk. Since fever is very uncommon in small babies, there is a clear indication that the child is ill. You should definitely see a doctor if your baby: • less than three months and a fever higher than 38 C • younger than six months and a fever higher than 39 C , if your child has signs of a bladder infection, the doctor may need a sterile urine sample to find out which bacteria are causative agents . Sometimes the doctor will also recommend other tests. For example, he could check with ultrasound, whether the kidneys and the bladder of a child to work properly. This is done especially if your child is younger than six months and more often suffer from urinary tract infections .As a urinary tract infection treated?
will get a prescription for liquid antibiotics that you are depending
on the medication administered one to four times a day. Even when the fever subsides, it is important to give the medication until the very end - usually 10 days. For small infants may be necessary to intravenous therapy. If your child is going very badly and it is refusing to eat and to drink, it will get an infusion. Presumably there must be some days in the hospital, where he administered the medicine from the drip .
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