Friday, May 25, 2012

Ear Infections in Baby


How can I know if my baby has an infection in the ear?

This can sometimes be difficult to assess, but if your child has a cold and three to five days later, fever gets then an infection of the ear could be to blame. The baby may pull at his ear or feel noticeably unwell. sucking and swallowing may be painful. If your baby is sucking at the breast, or so the bottle and then with obvious pain of pushing yourself, you should go to the doctor. Above all, waking up at night with an inexplicable restlessness - from parents often mistakenly interpreted as Zahnungsprobleme - often as a cause of middle ear inflammation.

How common are these infections?

Infections in the ear are for babies, toddlers and preschool children very common, especially in the winter months.

How are ear infections?

The problem starts in the Eustachian tube that connects the middle ear with the posterior nasopharyngeal area. When you yawn or swallow, runs every time the body secretions with bacteria from the throat towards the middle ear. That's fine as long as the tube is working well, because a healthy Eustachsche tube can flow back the exciting again. When the mucous membranes, but because of a cold , an allergy are swollen or a sinus infection, then the fluid in the middle ear caught, and each bacterium each virus or a warm, moist soil is found on which it can thrive. Pus develops and arched by the pressure on the eardrum, this outward and inflamed. The doctors call an acute otitis media . The body reacts with fever to fight the infection. There is another reason why babies are prone to ear infections: Your Eustachian tubes are short and horizontal. If the child gets older, will increase the tube. It shall be extended by three times of 1.25 inches to 3.8 inches. In addition, it is tilted, which lowers the risk of infection. Antibiotics can kill pathogens, but the liquid is then up to three months in the middle ear, before the body has absorbed them completely . This is medically harmless, but sometimes unpleasant.

Which increases the risk of ear infection?

It may be several factors. This includes, among other things:

  • If you allow your child to drink his bottle lying down.

  • Smoking parents

  • Crèche children under one year, because they occur naturally in contact with more colds, which can cause ear infections.

  • The use of a pacifier

  • If you do not breastfeed, but the child infant gets
On cold or windy days is a cap that goes over the ears, very important. Also, inheritance can play a role: If you had as a child numerous ear infections, this could also apply to your baby.

How serious middle ear infections are taking?

You do not have to be serious, but they can be there and they cause babies pain. A severe or untreated infection could cause the eardrum to rupture and flood the ear's interior. If you suspect an ear infection, you should ask your pediatrician as soon as possible / your pediatrician for an examination . Repeated ear infections can cause hearing loss and even if a ruptured eardrum accrues again, scars may remain. Although this happens very rarely, but you should already prevent a minor infection in order to extend themselves to long-term damage the hearing of your child.

What to do if pus oozing from his ear?

If pus or bloody, yellowish liquid comes out of your ear, you may point to a small hole or tear in the eardrum . Pus is always a sign of bacterial infection and the doctor should be consulted more often and take the necessary antibiotic therapy. Not all ear infections are caused by bacteria, however, but most primary viral infections, ie, antibiotic therapy is not always, especially in older children, absolutely. But please leave the decision about the child's or otolaryngologist.

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