Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Baby And Flu


How do I know if my child get the flu and not just a common cold is?

This is sometimes not easy. When young children are similar to flu symptoms to those of other diseases, such as a cold. In this sense, your child might have the flu, when it suddenly fever gets that increases over a longer period to more than 38 degrees. This is followed by symptoms like a runny nose and dry cough. When cold and cough distinctly noticeable before the fever, then it's more of a cold. Your child will probably be no appetite, have a sore throat and swollen tonsils. Influenza can also diarrhea and vomiting bring.

How can I provide for relief?

Infants need to do is sleep and plenty of fluids. Older babies who have been occasional solid food can be fed with hot soup to clear the nose. To antipyretic agents should only work if the temperature rises above 39 degrees Celsius, because then there is the risk of dehydration. There are painkillers in the form of suppositories (but do not act in case of diarrhea!) Or juice. Consult with your doctor on this issue. Within five days, it should go to your baby better, the fever is reduced and the appetite returns. But babies (and older children and adults) are still coughing for two weeks and feel the flu in the bone.

When should I call the doctor?

Call your doctor immediately if your baby is younger than three months, but shows signs of disease. Actually such a small infant should not enjoy protection nest, so take advantage of the antibodies that you have given him at birth. With an older baby or toddler, you call the doctor if your symptoms do not improve after 2-3 days, or the fever climbs above 39 degrees Celsius and remains. Even in these cases, you should go to the doctor: If the child ear pain, difficulty breathing, persistent cough has, gasp, or it runs thick green mucus from the nose.

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