Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Tips For Colds In Baby

It can break your heart when you experience the first time as parents have to like your own baby is suffering from a cold. It is sniffling, coughing, feeling sick and probably have problems with breastfeeding or feeding. But you can do much to help your baby be suffering. And be assured that a cold but not unpleasant, but is life-threatening. Experts estimate that every child goes through in the first two years of life at least ten colds a year. This has many handkerchiefs and sleepless nights with him.

What causes colds?

Colds are infections of the mouth, throat or nose. These are the upper respiratory tract. Colds are caused by different viruses . Many babies are prone to colds because their immune system is still immature and only gaining in strength . The cold viruses usually spread when someone sneezes or coughs. Such a virus is released into the air and someone else breathes it on. Viruses can also be passed on through body contact . Cover your mouth that is always when you cough and wash your hands when you have cleaned the nose. You cough and sneeze into your sleeve or a handkerchief, not into their hands.

How do colds affect babies?

If your baby has a cold, then you will notice the following symptoms:
  • Fever (up to 39 degrees Celsius)
  • Cough
  • reddened eyes
  • Sore throat
  • runny or stuffy nose
  • Anorexia
  • Irritability and restlessness
  • Swollen lymph nodes under the armpit, neck and neck
Maybe your baby has difficulty breathing because his nose is clogged. This can make breastfeeding and feeding difficult. By the age of four years can not blow your children, you will help your baby so need to get rid of the mucus in the nose. (Read more at How can I treat the common cold below). If your baby has to sleep , could then be again reminded of the first weeks after birth. It will probably wake up several times at night because it is having trouble breathing and he was not doing well. Assume that you will spend the nights at his side and be engaged in frequent nose-blowing will be.

How can I treat the common cold?

The common cold will improve significantly within eight days and be gone no later than ten days. Here's what you can do to make your baby feel better in the meantime:
  • Allow yourself plenty of rest to Him.

  • Encourage your baby to drink a lot, either from the breast or the bottle . If your baby infant formula or solid food gets, then you give him extra water. Thus it remains hydrated and possible fever may fall.

  • Your baby is too small to be to blow nose. Make it easy for him to breathe by him blow his nose. With a little Vaseline on the nostrils to avoid skin irritation.

  • If your child is older than three months, you can give him, in consultation with the pediatrician a fever suppository, ibuprofen or paracetamol . Fever-lowering agents should be applied but only from 39.3 to 5 °. The pediatrician / pediatrician will check first if there is no other cause for the increase in temperature. Only if you are really sure that it is only a trivial viral infection, you should use without medical advice to a drug. Make sure that the drug is suitable for babies, and read the package insert to the right dose finding. You may have heard that paracetamol in children asthma can cause. For this claim there is no scientific evidence .

  • If your baby has a stuffy nose, nose drops can help with salt solution to make the noose . You get those drops in the pharmacy.

  • Water vapor can open the airways and loosen your baby's cough, but it does not add essential oils. . However, you should not directly expose your baby a hot steam, because it could scald . The safer method is to take your baby with the bath. Turn on the hot water in the shower together and you stay a few minutes in the steamy room . Afterwards you have to dress your baby, of course, something dry.
If your baby has a stuffy nose but no other cold symptoms, then make sure that nothing has stuck in the nose . Even very young babies that get done. Give your baby any non-prescription cold medicines. This should be because of the feared side effects never administered to a child under six years . Before you play around with any medication, ask your GP or pediatrician. Above all, you never give your child a cold medicine that is intended for adults.

When should I bring my baby to the doctor?

If your baby is under three months, then at the first sign of illness. If your baby is older, then you might want to go to the doctor to make sure that it is "just" a cold is. Talk with your doctor in any case when:

  • The common cold lasts longer than five days without improvement occurs
  • the temperature rises above 38 degrees
  • the cough go away will not
  • Your baby is obviously not getting enough air
  • the baby is to rub the ears - that could signs of ear infection be
  • Your child green, yellow or brown mucus cough or he drips from the nose

Can I do anything to prevent colds?

Breastfeeding is one of the best ways to protect your baby. As long as you still get your baby through breast milk protective antibodies and natural. While it is not 100 percent method, but breastfeeding babies can defend against colds and other infections better . you can protect your baby by keeping it away from all people with coughs and colds. If someone is cold in the family, then ask them to wash hands thoroughly always before he touches the baby . If you or your partner smoke, then it is high time to stop. Take your baby anywhere with where it is exposed to cigarette smoke. Children of smokers have more colds and more lasting than their counterparts in Non smoking households .

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