Tuesday, May 15, 2012

How do I measure my baby fever for the best way?


What is the best way to measure my baby fever?

First, you need a good digital thermometer that can be bought in drug stores for about five euros. Digital thermometers are easy to handle, easy to read and quickly - most already show within ten seconds to two minutes to an exact result. If you have an old-fashioned mercury thermometer in the house, you should prefer to dispose of safely. (In the yellow pages of your telephone book, you can find the address of a Recyclinghofs in your area.) These thermometers can shatter and leak dangerous mercury can. Since April 2009 the sale of mercury measuring health is prohibited in the EU. Some digital thermometers are specially designed for use in the rectum, but most can be rectally, orally, or use in the armpit (axillary). (If you measure your baby fever, you should apply more than one method, so you should have a thermometer for each method.) Digital ear thermometers are usually more expensive and can be applied only in the ear. This raises the question of where one the thermometer attaches to achieve the best result in the anus (rectal), in the ear or in the armpit. (The oral measurement is only for older children in question.) Each method has its advantages and disadvantages. Therefore, you should discuss this matter with your doctor to find out which method he recommends for your baby. Whatever method you choose, do you give your baby any fever right after bathing as this can have an influence on his body temperature. So wait at least 20 minutes to get a proper display.

Rectal temperature measurement

Your doctor might recommend to measure rectal temperature, until your baby is three months old. The reason for this is that a correct reading is very important if your baby is still small. The rectal method achieves the most accurate results. Most of the research results, the doctor refers to its decision as to respond to the fever is based on rectal temperatures measured. Some babies do not mind if the temperature is measured rectally, while others, this procedure is uncomfortable. If your baby protests, measure, perhaps first in his armpit (axillary) and then measured rectally if the first measurement is more than 37.2 degrees Celsius. So I turn on a thermometer rectally:

  • Keep on the lookout for a thermometer that has a flexible tip and a wide grip, so you can not put into it than 2.5 cm. (If you accidentally insert the thermometer too far - perhaps because your baby wriggling - you could injure the intestines of your baby.)

  • To Prepare the thermometer by cleaning the tip with rubbing alcohol or with a little soap and warm water. Rinse with cool water. Because you spread on the top a little Vaseline or other ointment soft so it glides better, or use a disposable sheath, which was prepared for this purpose.

  • Keep your baby on your lap, belly down and butt up, let your legs over the side of his upper thigh of your down. Or put it on the bed with his back or on the changing table. Your baby may feel more comfortable if the stomach is up, because it is accustomed to lie in winding Sun You can perhaps distract better if it can see your face.

  • Press the button on the thermometer, in order to make it. With your other hand to spread apart the buttocks of your baby. Insert the tip gently about 1.5 to 2.5 cm s anus to the tip of the thermometer disappears.

  • Keep the buttocks of your child under control by covering it with the palm and fingers of the hand, which have the thermometer. Leave the thermometer does not matter, because there will probably slip when your baby starts to squirm.

  • When the thermometer beeps, remove it and read the temperature. It may be that stimulated by the pushing action of the bowels of the thermometer and is leaking a little stool, if you pull out the thermometer. Clean the thermometer with rubbing alcohol or soapy water, rinse it and dry it before storing it.


Ear thermometers are commonly used in the emergency room because they are fast, safe and comfortable. But you have to, unlike other digital thermometer to know the exact location for measurement. If you place the ear thermometer is not quite right, it can be difficult to get a good, consistent results. If you like this method, you may ask your pediatrician to show you how the ear thermometer is used, or follow the instructions on the leaflet until you achieve consistent results. If you have learned to deal with it, you can confirm the result by a rectal measurement. If you can not go wrong, you can rely on the ear thermometer. ear thermometers are not recommended for babies under three months, because the narrow ear canals of young babies make it difficult to insert the sensor correctly.

Temperature measurement in the armpit

Some doctors recommend that babies be measured at the fever in the armpit, which is called axillary temperature. It is simple, convenient and secure. All you need is a normal digital thermometer. The flip side is that the measurement is less accurate in the armpit than the other methods. The measure in the armpit, as compared to the rectal two degrees lower. The Professional Association of Child and Adolescent Physicians advises: "At the least accurate in younger children are under the armpit measured body temperatures. This method should therefore be used at best for older children and adolescents with reliable closure of the axilla in the measurement. " To make a measurement in the armpit, you undress your baby down to the waist, hold it in your arms or on your lap or put You are beside him. It should relax. Dealing with it by feeding it, show him a book or toy. Make sure that the area is dry under his arm, then insert the tip of the thermometer in his armpit. The tip must have full contact with the skin, so should your baby's arm firmly at his side, or lie down on his chest. Remove the thermometer when it beeps, and read the display.

Are there other ways I can apply?

Use the oral test method only if your child is at least four or five years old. It is virtually impossible to get an oral message from a baby or toddler. If your child is older, it may be necessary even while securely holding the thermometer in his mouth under the tongue. If your baby takes a pacifier, you can get a good result with a pacifier thermometer. These are recommended for children from three months to two years. It is necessary that they remain about three minutes in the mouth of your baby. Pacifier thermometers provide slightly lower results, so you should each about half a degree to be expected. No other methods are currently considered to be reliable. The temperature-sensitive strips that you put on the forehead of a child, perhaps in an emergency for a handy quick measurement. Do not use it if you need an accurate result.

1 comments on "How do I measure my baby fever for the best way?"

Unknown on February 3, 2015 at 7:32 AM said...

Thank you for sharing this tips, this is very helpful to all parents if you want to learn more tips I can give the link please visit http://thermee.net/ and find the best advice for you.

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