Saturday, November 10, 2012

Checklist of indispensable objects to the edge of a swimming pool

Anticipation # 1: protect children from the sun

1 - sunscreen : Before 6 months, it is strongly recommended to put sunscreen on the skin of immature baby ... and then ban sunbathing! After 6 months, choose a cream fragrance free (to avoid allergies or irritations) "special baby" with a 40 indicate minimum. Do not hesitate to seek advice from a pharmacy or drugstore.
Please note that the cream is essential, but sun exposure should remain exceptional and short! Baby's skin is very fragile.
2 - A hat : To avoid sunstroke and sunburn, the hat is the perfect protection. Think practical rather than aesthetic: it is not necessary that the hat come with every movement of your child!
3 - sunglasses : They are essential to protect your child's eyes. Choose sunglasses with lenses UV filter and frame wrap and CE certified.

Anticipation # 2: the safe bathing

1 - The armbands : As long as your child can not swim alone, impose the wearing of armbands standards, ideally with non-return valves which prevent rapid deflation. Let him armbands even when playing around water. Find the standard "NF" on the packaging, and make sure they are properly inflated.
2 - buoys : For older children who resent armbands, buoys choose standard 'NF'. To be sure that your child uses his buoy well, do not hesitate to engage in the purchase, and let choose the pattern or the little hero will appear on the buoy.
3 - A swimsuit with integrated floats. Practice, the child can not remove this security.
3 - diapers Special swimming. We find in supermarkets, as they donned breeches and avoids contaminating the pool.

Anticipation # 3: small snacks

1-A picnic : Plan simple food to eat, and water to avoid dehydration. Attention, sugary drinks do not hydrate as well as water, and they are not recommended in toddlers. Allow salty and sweet to please everyone while respecting food hygiene
2 - cooler : Keep food in a cooler closed to maintain the cold chain and avoid the risk of food poisoning.
3 - cups and plastic utensils : To avoid the risk of breakage (and pieces of glass in and around the pool) and easy storage.
4 - plastic bags : To collect waste.

Anticipation No. 3: after swimming

1 - More towels it takes: Children bathe once, twice, three times ... and the towels do not always have time to dry! Allow more towels than children to avoid tears and whims.
2 - plastic sandals : After bathing, put on children to avoid the risk of injury to small feet. Plastic sandals are ideal for the little one can always go back into the water.
3 - Complete change of clothes at hand: panties, diapers, shorts sponge, t-shirt ... It's better to have too much to let a little unattended!
4 - The pool is equipped with a safety barrier? Do you have the key with you? Do not forget to lock the door when you leave.
5 - Remember to activate the safety device once the children are at home or in the garden.

Anticipation # 4: large and small sores

1 - A first aid kit : Always keep with you the essential for large and small sores. Discover the composition of first aid kit ideal. Beware of insects including wasps! Slide one Dart extractor in your emergency kit.
2 - Keep nearby: a pole, a buoy and a mobile phone for the emergency services as soon as possible.
If you have a fixed wireless phone, take it with you outside, you will not have to run inside each ring.
3 - Print a list of emergency numbers you will always have on hand.
4 - Beware plantations near the pool, print our list plants that can be dangerous and think about it before swimming.

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