Monday, November 5, 2012

Know Colds in babies

The first cold baby can be impressive for young parents. Baby is embarrassed, he sniffs and may even have trouble feeding. Do not worry, it's just a cold, there are many ways to relieve your baby. And fortunately, because during its first year, your small risk of nearly a dozen colds. Chopped tissue and nights to predict ...

What is a cold?

The common cold is an infection of the mouth, nose and throat (upper respiratory tract) by different viruses. The babies get frequent colds because their immune system is under development and should be further strengthened.

Colds are spread when someone with a cold coughs or sneezes near someone else. They also spread by direct hand contact. For this reason it is important to put your hand or forearm to the mouth when coughing and wash hands immediately after coughing and blowing your nose.

What are the effects of colds in babies?

When your baby has a cold, it may present some of the following symptoms:

  • fever can reach up to 38 ° C,
  • cough,
  • red eyes,
  • an evil gorge,
  • a stuffy nose and runny
  • loss of appetite,
  • irritability and agitation,
  • swollen glands (in the neck and neck)
Your baby will probably also hard to breathe through the nose if it is blocked and will be embarrassed to suck or drink the bottle. Children are often unable to blow only until the age of four years. To you to help your child remove the mucus (see our tips below to cure a cold). If baby was already his nightsYour child may wake up several times a night because of his stuffy nose. You must make clear his good nose. Cold your baby should disappear within ten days. This may take up to two weeks for younger babies.

How to treat colds baby?

Hay baby will disappear by itself. In the meantime, you can relieve some gestures by:
  1. Make sure your baby gets enough sleep and be rested.
  2. Encourage baby to drink more, either within or bottle. If your child is bottle-fed or if it has already happened to a solid foodYou can also give him water. This will prevent not dehydrates and contribute to lower fever s'il in a.
  3. Your baby is too small to blow one. Help him breathe easier by wiping his nose. If the edge of his nose is red, apply a little vaseline to soothe irritation.
  4. If your baby is three months or more, you can give paracetamol for infants to reduce fever. Check the amount to be given on the package leaflet and ask always Consult your doctor or pharmacist if you have any doubts.
  5. If your baby has trouble feeding because his nose is blocked, you can administer a few drops of saline. You will find pods in pharmacies. Apply drops in each nostril before meals. The head placed on the side, in the serum administer the upper nostril. The serum should be reflected in the lower nostril. Gestures made again by placing the baby's head on the other side. You can form small "bits" with a sterile compress and pass through each nostril baby.
  6. Decongestant ointment can also help your baby breathe easier. You will also find in pharmacies. Apply the product on the chest and the back of your child avoiding the nostrils as it may interfere with breathing.
  7. Another way to clear the baby's nose is making him inhale the steam. However, be careful not to put your child too close to the hot water, which could burn. You can also bring your baby into the bathroom, close doors and windows, open the hot water taps and remain quietly seated with him in the room full of steam for a few minutes. Do not forget to then put on dry clothes. If your baby has a stuffy nose, but he has no other symptoms, make sure that no foreign body is present in the nose. Even very young babies are able to introduce objects.
  8. If his nose is really clogged, you can buy in a pharmacy a fly baby. It is a small device that can pick up anything that clutters up the baby's nose. Find pharmacy.
Never give your baby medicine against cough or against colds without medical advice. Some products should not be given to children under six years because of their side effects.

When should I take my baby to the doctor?

If your baby is less than three months, take him without waiting for the doctor or pediatrician at the first sign if you are worried. If your baby has more than three months, you can also take him to the doctor or pediatrician to make sure that it is a simple cold. Take also your baby's doctor or pediatrician if:
  • his condition does not improve within 5 days,
  • its temperature exceeds 38 ° C,
  • it very difficult to breathe,
  • he coughs and it does not seem to pass,
  • He rubs his ears and looks grumpy (signs that he may be a otitis),
  • he regurgitates mucus green, yellow or brown, coughing, or if they flow from his nose.

How can I protect my baby against the cold?

Breastfeeding is beneficial to the health of your baby. Breast milk transmits baby antibodies, proteins in the blood that help fight against infections. It is not a foolproof way to protect your baby, but breast-fed infants more resistant to colds and infections generally.

You can also protect your baby by holding it away from anyone with a cold or cough. You can also ask your family to wash their hands before taking baby in her arms.

Finally, if your partner or yourself smoke, it's now or never to try to stop. Babies exposed to smoke have, according to some studies, more colds. They also would last longer than other babies.

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