Friday, May 25, 2012

Ear Infections in Baby



How can I know if my baby has an infection in the ear?

This can sometimes be difficult to assess, but if your child has a cold and three to five days later, fever gets then an infection of the ear could be to blame. The baby may pull at his ear or feel noticeably unwell. sucking and swallowing may be painful. If your baby is sucking at the breast, or so the bottle and then with obvious pain of pushing yourself, you should go to the doctor. Above all, waking up at night with an inexplicable restlessness - from parents often mistakenly interpreted as Zahnungsprobleme - often as a cause of middle ear inflammation.

How common are these infections?

Infections in the ear are for babies, toddlers and preschool children very common, especially in the winter months.

How are ear infections?

The problem starts in the Eustachian tube that connects the middle ear with the posterior nasopharyngeal area. When you yawn or swallow, runs every time the body secretions with bacteria from the throat towards the middle ear. That's fine as long as the tube is working well, because a healthy Eustachsche tube can flow back the exciting again. When the mucous membranes, but because of a cold , an allergy are swollen or a sinus infection, then the fluid in the middle ear caught, and each bacterium each virus or a warm, moist soil is found on which it can thrive. Pus develops and arched by the pressure on the eardrum, this outward and inflamed. The doctors call an acute otitis media . The body reacts with fever to fight the infection. There is another reason why babies are prone to ear infections: Your Eustachian tubes are short and horizontal. If the child gets older, will increase the tube. It shall be extended by three times of 1.25 inches to 3.8 inches. In addition, it is tilted, which lowers the risk of infection. Antibiotics can kill pathogens, but the liquid is then up to three months in the middle ear, before the body has absorbed them completely . This is medically harmless, but sometimes unpleasant.

Which increases the risk of ear infection?

It may be several factors. This includes, among other things:

  • If you allow your child to drink his bottle lying down.

  • Smoking parents

  • Crèche children under one year, because they occur naturally in contact with more colds, which can cause ear infections.

  • The use of a pacifier

  • If you do not breastfeed, but the child infant gets
On cold or windy days is a cap that goes over the ears, very important. Also, inheritance can play a role: If you had as a child numerous ear infections, this could also apply to your baby.

How serious middle ear infections are taking?

You do not have to be serious, but they can be there and they cause babies pain. A severe or untreated infection could cause the eardrum to rupture and flood the ear's interior. If you suspect an ear infection, you should ask your pediatrician as soon as possible / your pediatrician for an examination . Repeated ear infections can cause hearing loss and even if a ruptured eardrum accrues again, scars may remain. Although this happens very rarely, but you should already prevent a minor infection in order to extend themselves to long-term damage the hearing of your child.

What to do if pus oozing from his ear?

If pus or bloody, yellowish liquid comes out of your ear, you may point to a small hole or tear in the eardrum . Pus is always a sign of bacterial infection and the doctor should be consulted more often and take the necessary antibiotic therapy. Not all ear infections are caused by bacteria, however, but most primary viral infections, ie, antibiotic therapy is not always, especially in older children, absolutely. But please leave the decision about the child's or otolaryngologist.

Urinary Tract Infections in Baby



What is a urinary tract or bladder infection?

The urinary tract infection is an inflammation of the lower urinary tract. Normally, urine drains from the kidneys through the so-called ureters into the bladder, where it is then excreted through the urethra into the diaper. But bacteria can establish themselves, they either come through the skin on the buttocks and the genitals or get into the urethra through the blood to the kidneys. This may cause at every point of this chain inflammation.

What can be signs of a urinary tract infection?

It's really difficult to judge. For many babies is an unexplained fever the only symptom, so a lot of urethral infections are not detected. But sometimes the children show other symptoms. If your child is uncomfortable with any of the following symptoms feel, it could have a UTI: fevervomiting • tiredness • irritability • It eats drinks / not good will notjaundice smaller the child, the fewer the symptoms are directed to the urinary tract. The following symptoms may make a urinary tract infection even more likely - unfortunately some of them are just for babies is not well determined, because the children can express the pain just by crying, but the diagnosis in young children may be helpful: • Pain during urination • constant urination • abdominal pain • stitch • foul-smelling urine • Blood in the urine

Should I call the doctor? What tests will he need?

It is important that you go to the doctor when you suspect an infection path Harm. If the inflammation is left untreated for a long time, they could walk up to the kidneys, where it can cause long-term damage. Babies under two years are particularly at risk. Since fever is very uncommon in small babies, there is a clear indication that the child is ill. You should definitely see a doctor if your baby: • less than three months and a fever higher than 38 C • younger than six months and a fever higher than 39 C , if your child has signs of a bladder infection, the doctor may need a sterile urine sample to find out which bacteria are causative agents . Sometimes the doctor will also recommend other tests. For example, he could check with ultrasound, whether the kidneys and the bladder of a child to work properly. This is done especially if your child is younger than six months and more often suffer from urinary tract infections

As a urinary tract infection treated?

You will get a prescription for liquid antibiotics that you are depending on the medication administered one to four times a day. Even when the fever subsides, it is important to give the medication until the very end - usually 10 days. For small infants may be necessary to intravenous therapy. If your child is going very badly and it is refusing to eat and to drink, it will get an infusion. Presumably there must be some days in the hospital, where he administered the medicine from the drip .

Can I somehow prevent these infections?

Some children seem to be prone to these infections. But you can do a few things. While it is not always the cause of poor hygiene urinary tract infections. Still, always wipe off the wrapping of the vagina toward buttocks. Because most UTIs in girls are caused by intestinal bacteria that enter the urethra. In boys, there is often an abnormality such as a constriction in the urethra before. Here the infection via the bloodstream. Give your child too much to drink more so unwanted bacteria can be flushed from the kidneys.  

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Learn about croup in baby



What is croup?

It used to be called with only the heavy Krupp cough in diphtheria. Today is meant by Pseudo-Krupp, a disease of the larynx, which in children between six months and up to 10 years may occur from time to time. In this age of the larynx gap is still very tight. When the mucosa swells, it is therefore of shortness of breath and coughing. Symptoms include a barking cough that sounds like a seal, shortness of breath, palpitations, anxiety and sweating. Usually the first attack occurs at night. The day before the child could first symptoms of a cold have shown. After coughing, the child usually falls asleep quickly - it is then weakened.

How can baby treat croup?

Since croup is caused by viruses, antibiotics will not help. But with the tips below, you can significantly alleviate the symptoms and make sure that your baby feel better:
 • Most important: Reassure your child and let rise no fear!  
• Make your bathroom a short time to steam. Turn the shower on as hot as possible and keep the door closed. Stay at least 15 minutes in a bath with your baby. Read or sing to him a little before, when a coughing fit coming. Let it breathe the warm, moist air. That should soothe the cough and let the baby fall asleep. If the steam does not help, call the doctor.  
• Also, a humidifier can help the baby.  
• It is very important that you encourage your child to drink. Juice and warm soups are especially good if your child has lost his appetite.  
• Smoking promotes pseudo-croup. You should not smoke near the child and not in enclosed spaces.

When should I call the doctor?

If your child is the first time has a coughing fit, you want to call an ambulance immediately sure prefer - even if it is in the middle of the night. The doctor on the phone will then ask you some questions to determine how serious the cough. He will give you the recommendation, either to try some home remedies or bring the child to the emergency room. If your baby is already several pseudo-croup fits behind it, but you still want to be on the safe side, then call the doctor and describe to him what you've been (unsuccessfully) tried to home remedies. It should also call if your baby high fever of more than 39 degrees Celsius is, or is suffering from acute respiratory distress - noisy breathing and difficulty in breath - or much salivates. These could be signs of the much more serious bacterial disease epiglottis. Trigger for Haemophilus influenza type is B, short-Hib (The vaccinations, which gives your baby from the ninth week in a four-week interval, this disease has, however, wiped out almost.) If your baby with home remedies is not surprising calm or in part, is having trouble breathing, then you should bring it to the emergency room the next Children's Hospital. Even if they have already called the doctor, anxious parents can not always wait patiently. In many cases, the condition of your baby is already well along the way to the hospital much better. If this is not the case, it will get there cortisone as a suppository or for inhalation.

How long will it take to heal

Croup lasts about two to four days. Take this time as needed steam treatments. You should also have safety cortisone suppositories in the house. Once you have survived the horrors of that common cough, he is tired, but unharmed leave them alone.

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

How do I measure my baby fever for the best way?



What is the best way to measure my baby fever?

First, you need a good digital thermometer that can be bought in drug stores for about five euros. Digital thermometers are easy to handle, easy to read and quickly - most already show within ten seconds to two minutes to an exact result. If you have an old-fashioned mercury thermometer in the house, you should prefer to dispose of safely. (In the yellow pages of your telephone book, you can find the address of a Recyclinghofs in your area.) These thermometers can shatter and leak dangerous mercury can. Since April 2009 the sale of mercury measuring health is prohibited in the EU. Some digital thermometers are specially designed for use in the rectum, but most can be rectally, orally, or use in the armpit (axillary). (If you measure your baby fever, you should apply more than one method, so you should have a thermometer for each method.) Digital ear thermometers are usually more expensive and can be applied only in the ear. This raises the question of where one the thermometer attaches to achieve the best result in the anus (rectal), in the ear or in the armpit. (The oral measurement is only for older children in question.) Each method has its advantages and disadvantages. Therefore, you should discuss this matter with your doctor to find out which method he recommends for your baby. Whatever method you choose, do you give your baby any fever right after bathing as this can have an influence on his body temperature. So wait at least 20 minutes to get a proper display.

Rectal temperature measurement

Your doctor might recommend to measure rectal temperature, until your baby is three months old. The reason for this is that a correct reading is very important if your baby is still small. The rectal method achieves the most accurate results. Most of the research results, the doctor refers to its decision as to respond to the fever is based on rectal temperatures measured. Some babies do not mind if the temperature is measured rectally, while others, this procedure is uncomfortable. If your baby protests, measure, perhaps first in his armpit (axillary) and then measured rectally if the first measurement is more than 37.2 degrees Celsius. So I turn on a thermometer rectally:

  • Keep on the lookout for a thermometer that has a flexible tip and a wide grip, so you can not put into it than 2.5 cm. (If you accidentally insert the thermometer too far - perhaps because your baby wriggling - you could injure the intestines of your baby.)

  • To Prepare the thermometer by cleaning the tip with rubbing alcohol or with a little soap and warm water. Rinse with cool water. Because you spread on the top a little Vaseline or other ointment soft so it glides better, or use a disposable sheath, which was prepared for this purpose.

  • Keep your baby on your lap, belly down and butt up, let your legs over the side of his upper thigh of your down. Or put it on the bed with his back or on the changing table. Your baby may feel more comfortable if the stomach is up, because it is accustomed to lie in winding Sun You can perhaps distract better if it can see your face.

  • Press the button on the thermometer, in order to make it. With your other hand to spread apart the buttocks of your baby. Insert the tip gently about 1.5 to 2.5 cm s anus to the tip of the thermometer disappears.

  • Keep the buttocks of your child under control by covering it with the palm and fingers of the hand, which have the thermometer. Leave the thermometer does not matter, because there will probably slip when your baby starts to squirm.

  • When the thermometer beeps, remove it and read the temperature. It may be that stimulated by the pushing action of the bowels of the thermometer and is leaking a little stool, if you pull out the thermometer. Clean the thermometer with rubbing alcohol or soapy water, rinse it and dry it before storing it.


Ear thermometers are commonly used in the emergency room because they are fast, safe and comfortable. But you have to, unlike other digital thermometer to know the exact location for measurement. If you place the ear thermometer is not quite right, it can be difficult to get a good, consistent results. If you like this method, you may ask your pediatrician to show you how the ear thermometer is used, or follow the instructions on the leaflet until you achieve consistent results. If you have learned to deal with it, you can confirm the result by a rectal measurement. If you can not go wrong, you can rely on the ear thermometer. ear thermometers are not recommended for babies under three months, because the narrow ear canals of young babies make it difficult to insert the sensor correctly.

Temperature measurement in the armpit

Some doctors recommend that babies be measured at the fever in the armpit, which is called axillary temperature. It is simple, convenient and secure. All you need is a normal digital thermometer. The flip side is that the measurement is less accurate in the armpit than the other methods. The measure in the armpit, as compared to the rectal two degrees lower. The Professional Association of Child and Adolescent Physicians advises: "At the least accurate in younger children are under the armpit measured body temperatures. This method should therefore be used at best for older children and adolescents with reliable closure of the axilla in the measurement. " To make a measurement in the armpit, you undress your baby down to the waist, hold it in your arms or on your lap or put You are beside him. It should relax. Dealing with it by feeding it, show him a book or toy. Make sure that the area is dry under his arm, then insert the tip of the thermometer in his armpit. The tip must have full contact with the skin, so should your baby's arm firmly at his side, or lie down on his chest. Remove the thermometer when it beeps, and read the display.

Are there other ways I can apply?

Use the oral test method only if your child is at least four or five years old. It is virtually impossible to get an oral message from a baby or toddler. If your child is older, it may be necessary even while securely holding the thermometer in his mouth under the tongue. If your baby takes a pacifier, you can get a good result with a pacifier thermometer. These are recommended for children from three months to two years. It is necessary that they remain about three minutes in the mouth of your baby. Pacifier thermometers provide slightly lower results, so you should each about half a degree to be expected. No other methods are currently considered to be reliable. The temperature-sensitive strips that you put on the forehead of a child, perhaps in an emergency for a handy quick measurement. Do not use it if you need an accurate result.

Basics Of Baby Food



How often should I feed my baby?

As with breastfeeding , experts also agree that there should be no timetable for the first few weeks. Habits will show themselves after a month or two by itself. Give your baby at first either every two or three hours on the bottle or if he seems hungry. Most children require approximately every two to three hours, the breast / bottle. If the baby weighs 4.5 pounds, it takes about 700 ml of milk per day, spread over at least eight servings. That is, they get four to eight meals. After about two to three weeks, the amount consumed is at about 100 - 150 ml per meal (depending on how often it gets a bit). Do not force your baby to drink when it is full. Your midwife will tell you how much your baby needs with increasing age and weight. (For more information about the amount of baby food can be found here .)

Do I need to sterilize the bottles?

Yes, and before using bottles and teats for the first time and every time they have been used. Wash everything thoroughly and sterilize everything thoroughly . Use a steam or microwave steriliser or use a sterilizing solution. It goes well when you boil the bottle - bottle and teat place for at least ten minutes in boiling water. It is important that they then use a clean dish towel dried , since bacteria and fungi like warm and humid climate and quick to do otherwise would be wide.

How do I prepare infant formula?

Carefully follow the instructions on the package. Use boiled, cooled water. Fill the bottle up to the mark. Measure the milk powder with the scoop provided by the manufacturer from. Using a knife, you can wipe off excess powder from the spoon, press it firmly but not here. Enter lock the food to the water in the bottle, this well with suction cups and lids and shake everything well. Do not succumb to the temptation to add extra scoops of milk powder - this could be your baby get sick.

Once chilled bottle of milk is not heated again be - you pour any remaining away! If you want to prepare bottles, it's best to fill a thermos with hot water and then stir the food as needed so fresh.

What should I look for when buying?

When buying, you should note in particular the age specified on the package. If you want to or can not breastfeed, infant formula is (Pre 1), the only alternative to breast milk (or HA in allergiegefärdeten children). Follow-on formula is tailored to the needs of babies from Beikostalter. It is recommended to feed your child during the first six months of nothing else, before you introduce additional foods . There is an EC Directive on infant formula, to which all manufacturers must hold. Many have adapted even to the most recent changes to the regime, which from 31 December 2009 applies. This involves, among other things, the calories contained. In infant formulas the calorie content of the new Directive 60-70 kcal / per 100 ml (according to the old 60 - 75 kcal) and follow-on formulas 60 - 70 kcal (formerly 60-80 kcal). Infant formula and follow-on formulas also differ in composition, especially in iron content. However, you can also buy more safe for the time being the "old" packets, use and consume - but from 1.1.2010, these disappear from the shelves of supermarkets. confusing at first glance to be on the packaging labels and abbreviations for the parents. The significance of the individual labels are and what the individual ingredients are good, you can see in the following table.

AbbreviationTerm / substanceWhat is it found?
HAhypoallergenicfor allergy-prone infants, contained protein is broken down, so allergens, although not suitable for diagnosis of cow's milk allergy
LCP/LC-PUFAlong-chain polyunsaturated fatty acidsfor the development of the brain, nervous system and eyesight
ProbioticsLactic acid culturesPromoting a healthy intestinal flora, to regulate the digestion, strengthen the immune system
Prebioticsprebiotic dietary fiberPromoting a healthy intestinal flora, to regulate the digestion, strengthen the immune system
GOS / FOS (Prebiotikamischung)Galacto-und FructooligosaccharidePromoting a healthy intestinal flora, to regulate the digestion, strengthen the immune system
BullfightingBullfightingto support the development of the brain, for the formation of bile acids
NucleotidesNucleotidesimportant for the immune system and for the maturation of the intestinal mucosa

The benefits of breastfeeding


At first glance it may seem as if breastfeeding is cumbersome and complicated and is associated with an infinite number of prohibitions: While breast-feeding should continue to pay attention to the young mother's diet may drink little or no alcohol and not eating as sharp as possible. But these limitations are faced with great benefits: breastfeeding is healthier, cheaper, and promotes the development of better than bottle feeding. Not only the baby, the mother also benefits from breastfeeding.

What are the benefits of breastfeeding for my baby?

Breast milk contains thousands of substances that are necessary for the development of the baby. These include growth factors, immune substances and vitamins. The bottle-feeding offers far fewer different ingredients. In addition, the mixture of breast milk is perfectly adapted to the needs of your baby, and thus also well tolerated. In the period between birth and the fourth month, the mother's milk contains everything your baby needs. The composition varies not only in the transition from colostrum (first milk that is produced in the mother's breast) for real milk. In the further course of months, the milk composition changes constantly. Two factors contribute to your baby now or later weight problems get. On the one hand there is the limited amount of breast milk never a risk of overfeeding. If you ensure that your baby at the breast, only a limited amount of milk per feeding is available, never a danger of over-feeding the child, and therefore no risk of being overweight. In addition, breast milk contains the hormone leptin - it is important for fat metabolism and signal the body when one is tired. Among the substances in breast milk include antibodies, which protect against infection. Inflammation of the intestine, respiratory tract and urinary tract are less common in breastfed babies than in bottle-fed children. In addition, it is rare to middle ear infections and meningitis (bacterial meningitis). Substances from bend in the breast milk allergies and asthma. After several studies have demonstrated time and again, the World Health Organization recommends, among other things, for this reason, four to six months exclusive breastfeeding. In further studies, the more breast milk health benefits for the baby. According to the results of American doctors from St. George Hospital in Tooting, breastfed babies have healthier hearts than adults, and lower cholesterol levels. This seems to prove that the course is set for blood lipid levels in very young age. In addition, breastfed babies rarely develop caries, because breast milk does not contain sucrose. Also, the physical and mental development of children is promoted through breastfeeding. When a newborn baby by sucking the development of the jaw muscles can be strengthened. At the same time, the baby must be drinking at the breast and strain his brain more than the sucking on the bottle. Wissenschaflter have found through testing that in bottles babies while drinking two main trunk nerves are active in nursing babies, it is eight. also suggest further studies indicate that certain fatty acids promote in breast milk, the brain development - in studies in Denmark showed breastfed babies as adults, a higher IQs than babies who have grown up with the bottle.

How can I reduce my child's fever without medicine?


Fever is actually a healing function. The immune system, metabolism and blood circulation are stimulated and the body is doing hard work to cope with the infection are. Fever can also help your child to be healthy again as soon as possible. But high fever is also stressful for your child and, if it continues to rise (see also the third to last paragraph), and dangerous. To avoid having to resort to antipyretic drugs such as acetaminophen or ibuprofen have - or if you do not have at hand - you can also try alternative methods to reduce the fever your child. You should always be aware that these alternative procedures for reduction of fever children are exhausting. In infants and young children under 3 years, you should therefore not possible to apply. Here are some possible applications:

  • Create a cool, damp washcloth on the forehead of your child, while it rests.

  • Bathing your baby in the bath at a water temperature one degree lower than its body temperature. Enter to gradually cool water until the temperature is ten degrees below its body temperature. After ten minutes, take the child out of the tub and measure the fever . If the fever be dropped, you can repeat the process after a while - but only if the child does not freeze! Rub your child's body parts that feel hot, with a wet sponge. When the water evaporates on the skin, and creates cool the fever is reduced. Do not use too cold water. It may mean that your child shivering in the cold and the temperature rises. Similarly, you should your child do not rub with rubbing alcohol (an old-fashioned remedy for fever). It can cause an increase of fever and possibly even alcohol poisoning.

  • Offer your child plenty of fluids and cooled food to, such as ice cream and yogurt, to help the body to cool off from the inside and to have enough liquid.

  • Use a fan. Here, too, do not freeze your child. Turn the fan on a low setting. The air should not be aimed directly at your child, but let the air circulate around your child.

  • Observe your child closely. If it is very hot, undressing his upper body and cover it with only a bed sheet. It begins to freeze, or getting chills it, pull it back a little and cover it with a warm blanket.

  • Stay at home in a cool place. Or if you're outside, find a place in the shade.
Call your doctor immediately if your child is younger than 3 months and has a fever over 38 degrees.
When a baby is 3-5 months old, call a doctor if the fever to well above 38.5 degrees Celsius, or more increases.
If it is 6 months or older age, you need the advice of a doctor if the fever to 39.5 degrees centigrade or more rises. No matter how old your child is, call a physician immediately if fever is not only but also other serious symptoms indicating such as difficulty breathing or red spots on his skin is or can not bend the chin to the chest. You could be a sign of a serious bacterial infection. To your child for symptoms of colds and flu - fever, apart from - to help you look at our list of 10 safe home remedies to soothe a sick child .

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Baby And Flu



How do I know if my child get the flu and not just a common cold is?

This is sometimes not easy. When young children are similar to flu symptoms to those of other diseases, such as a cold. In this sense, your child might have the flu, when it suddenly fever gets that increases over a longer period to more than 38 degrees. This is followed by symptoms like a runny nose and dry cough. When cold and cough distinctly noticeable before the fever, then it's more of a cold. Your child will probably be no appetite, have a sore throat and swollen tonsils. Influenza can also diarrhea and vomiting bring.

How can I provide for relief?

Infants need to do is sleep and plenty of fluids. Older babies who have been occasional solid food can be fed with hot soup to clear the nose. To antipyretic agents should only work if the temperature rises above 39 degrees Celsius, because then there is the risk of dehydration. There are painkillers in the form of suppositories (but do not act in case of diarrhea!) Or juice. Consult with your doctor on this issue. Within five days, it should go to your baby better, the fever is reduced and the appetite returns. But babies (and older children and adults) are still coughing for two weeks and feel the flu in the bone.

When should I call the doctor?

Call your doctor immediately if your baby is younger than three months, but shows signs of disease. Actually such a small infant should not enjoy protection nest, so take advantage of the antibodies that you have given him at birth. With an older baby or toddler, you call the doctor if your symptoms do not improve after 2-3 days, or the fever climbs above 39 degrees Celsius and remains. Even in these cases, you should go to the doctor: If the child ear pain, difficulty breathing, persistent cough has, gasp, or it runs thick green mucus from the nose.

Tips For Colds In Baby

It can break your heart when you experience the first time as parents have to like your own baby is suffering from a cold. It is sniffling, coughing, feeling sick and probably have problems with breastfeeding or feeding. But you can do much to help your baby be suffering. And be assured that a cold but not unpleasant, but is life-threatening. Experts estimate that every child goes through in the first two years of life at least ten colds a year. This has many handkerchiefs and sleepless nights with him.

What causes colds?

Colds are infections of the mouth, throat or nose. These are the upper respiratory tract. Colds are caused by different viruses . Many babies are prone to colds because their immune system is still immature and only gaining in strength . The cold viruses usually spread when someone sneezes or coughs. Such a virus is released into the air and someone else breathes it on. Viruses can also be passed on through body contact . Cover your mouth that is always when you cough and wash your hands when you have cleaned the nose. You cough and sneeze into your sleeve or a handkerchief, not into their hands.

How do colds affect babies?

If your baby has a cold, then you will notice the following symptoms:
  • Fever (up to 39 degrees Celsius)
  • Cough
  • reddened eyes
  • Sore throat
  • runny or stuffy nose
  • Anorexia
  • Irritability and restlessness
  • Swollen lymph nodes under the armpit, neck and neck
Maybe your baby has difficulty breathing because his nose is clogged. This can make breastfeeding and feeding difficult. By the age of four years can not blow your children, you will help your baby so need to get rid of the mucus in the nose. (Read more at How can I treat the common cold below). If your baby has to sleep , could then be again reminded of the first weeks after birth. It will probably wake up several times at night because it is having trouble breathing and he was not doing well. Assume that you will spend the nights at his side and be engaged in frequent nose-blowing will be.

How can I treat the common cold?

The common cold will improve significantly within eight days and be gone no later than ten days. Here's what you can do to make your baby feel better in the meantime:
  • Allow yourself plenty of rest to Him.

  • Encourage your baby to drink a lot, either from the breast or the bottle . If your baby infant formula or solid food gets, then you give him extra water. Thus it remains hydrated and possible fever may fall.

  • Your baby is too small to be to blow nose. Make it easy for him to breathe by him blow his nose. With a little Vaseline on the nostrils to avoid skin irritation.

  • If your child is older than three months, you can give him, in consultation with the pediatrician a fever suppository, ibuprofen or paracetamol . Fever-lowering agents should be applied but only from 39.3 to 5 °. The pediatrician / pediatrician will check first if there is no other cause for the increase in temperature. Only if you are really sure that it is only a trivial viral infection, you should use without medical advice to a drug. Make sure that the drug is suitable for babies, and read the package insert to the right dose finding. You may have heard that paracetamol in children asthma can cause. For this claim there is no scientific evidence .

  • If your baby has a stuffy nose, nose drops can help with salt solution to make the noose . You get those drops in the pharmacy.

  • Water vapor can open the airways and loosen your baby's cough, but it does not add essential oils. . However, you should not directly expose your baby a hot steam, because it could scald . The safer method is to take your baby with the bath. Turn on the hot water in the shower together and you stay a few minutes in the steamy room . Afterwards you have to dress your baby, of course, something dry.
If your baby has a stuffy nose but no other cold symptoms, then make sure that nothing has stuck in the nose . Even very young babies that get done. Give your baby any non-prescription cold medicines. This should be because of the feared side effects never administered to a child under six years . Before you play around with any medication, ask your GP or pediatrician. Above all, you never give your child a cold medicine that is intended for adults.

When should I bring my baby to the doctor?

If your baby is under three months, then at the first sign of illness. If your baby is older, then you might want to go to the doctor to make sure that it is "just" a cold is. Talk with your doctor in any case when:

  • The common cold lasts longer than five days without improvement occurs
  • the temperature rises above 38 degrees
  • the cough go away will not
  • Your baby is obviously not getting enough air
  • the baby is to rub the ears - that could signs of ear infection be
  • Your child green, yellow or brown mucus cough or he drips from the nose

Can I do anything to prevent colds?

Breastfeeding is one of the best ways to protect your baby. As long as you still get your baby through breast milk protective antibodies and natural. While it is not 100 percent method, but breastfeeding babies can defend against colds and other infections better . you can protect your baby by keeping it away from all people with coughs and colds. If someone is cold in the family, then ask them to wash hands thoroughly always before he touches the baby . If you or your partner smoke, then it is high time to stop. Take your baby anywhere with where it is exposed to cigarette smoke. Children of smokers have more colds and more lasting than their counterparts in Non smoking households .

Vaccinations For Your Baby



How do vaccinations?

The word vaccination is often used interchangeably with vaccination, because the body's response to pathogen infection and is immune. If we infect us with something, the body produces substances called antibodies to fight against the invaders. After that we are immune to the virus or bacterium for the rest of our lives, because the body's immune substances has now almost always at hand. We can now stimulate the body's own immunization by vaccination without getting the disease. These immunizations are swallowed or injected. They may contain a small dose of the pathogen (vaccines) or the antigens are injected (killed vaccines) against which the body then produces antibodies before the disease breaks out.

What effect did this have on diseases?

There are many successful examples of the Impferfolge in Germany. Was against polio in 1960 in the GDR and the FRG in 1962 introduced the polio vaccine. During 1961 in West Germany 4670 cases of polio were reported, there were only 50th in 1965 The last case of polio occurred in Deutschland1992 on by an entrained virus. Today the disease is officially eradicated Europe. Even with diphtheria since 2000, no more illness was reported. Another interesting example is pertussis. In the FRG, about 10 percent of children were vaccinated, accordingly, many children were sick. In the GDR, the vaccination was common since 1964, the disease was still not as good. Immediately after the reunification, the number of vaccinations in East Germany - the number of sick children grew rapidly in 2000, there were 200 times as many as in 1991.

Are the vaccines safe?

Vaccinations have had a clear positive effect on the number of diseases, some diseases are eradicated almost even. Nevertheless, the debate about sense and nonsense of vaccinations and their side effects is justified. The above-mentioned oral polio vaccine was not safe. Because the virus could live to reproduce. When the immune system is not fast enough, could therefore lead to disease vaccination. Since 1998, however, inoculated with a so-called "dead" vaccine and rendered safe. the other hand, links between the measles-mumps-rubella vaccine and autism suspected, as well as between the whooping cough vaccine and asthma . However, it has been shown clearly that there are no correlations. The opposite is the case, the pertussis vaccine protects against asthma and asthma sufferers.

How can I take my child's fear and pain?

Vaccination hurts, everybody knows that that was ever pricked with a needle. Of course it will help if you reassure your child during the vaccination and comfort. Take it in your arm, you stroke it, talk to him and give him his pacifier, if it feels safer. They promise him not to say that it will not hurt. They prefer to say "Everything is good" or "Soon it's over." If you are afraid of needles themselves, then it can be a good idea to leave your child with the physician / doctor and the nurse alone, because children are very sensitive and your baby may feel your fear, and thereby become nervous as well. On Good news for babies and their parents, suggests a study from the United States. Researchers in Pennsylvania report that could help ease the pain if they are to drink his baby two minutes before the vaccination, a sugar solution. This 100 ml of sterile water (boiled or carbonated mineral water) with 2.4 g of ordinary table sugar (sucrose) were mixed. From this mixture gets the baby to drink 2 ml. Infants who were given the sugar solution showed a significantly lower pain response than the comparison group. Although the pain was not precluded, but at least greatly reduced. If confirmed, the results could in the future may be Impfzuckerchen routine.

Do I have to vaccinate my child?

In Germany there is no compulsory vaccination. The STIKO (standing Committee on Vaccination at the Robert-Koch-Institute) meets regularly and advises on new vaccines and whether they are recommended - also and especially for babies. The vaccinations are free of charge a consultation fee is in children under 18 years is not even due. For many parents the decision for or against vaccination, yet no-brainer. They wonder whether it is really necessary to torment her little darling with a needle and are concerned about possible side effects of vaccination. The decision can not relieve you. You should find out but before the vaccination and the doctor can advise whether the vaccine is really necessary. For more information read our article on childhood diseases and their vaccinations .

Fever In Baby



My baby has a temperature. Should I be worried?

Your baby wails, his skin is hot and you suffer with enstsetzlich. But fever - a rise in body temperature than is normally expected - rarely hurts. On the contrary: It is the reaction of the body to fight off a disease.

At what temperature my baby has a fever?

Normal body temperature of an infant is 36.5 to 37.5 degrees Celsius. Babies have a higher temperature than older children and every day it rises and falls during the after midnight. Normally, one does not speak of fever in a baby if it has less than 37.7 degrees C in the morning, or 38.2 degrees C in the evening.

Why do people get fevers?

Fever is one way the body to cope with infections. Macrophages, the policemen in the body, are constantly on patrol. When they find something that is not in the body (such as bacteria, virus or fungus), then you destroy the intruder as best they can. At the same time they call for help and signal the brain to regulate body temperature up. The heat kills some bacteria directly, most viruses are thermolabile. . It also seems that the production of white blood cells and other chemical substances to stimulate the body needs to fight the foreign body following reasons or side effects could be responsible for the fever of your baby:

How do I know that fever is dangerous?

More important than the actual temperature, the behavior of your baby. If it is almost 40 degrees Celsius is, but good food and drink, and you react to calm down easily can, then you need to worry less, than if it was below 39 degrees, but without cries or whimpers disruption is weak, poorly drinking and not responding to anything. Call the doctor if your child is behaving strangely, had seizures, or a chronic illness or do you simply worry. you need a doctor immediately if:

  • the temperature of a baby who is younger than three months, rising by 37.8 degrees.

  • the temperature of a baby between three and six months of 38.2 degrees is increasing.

  • the temperature of a baby who is older than six months, rising from 39.2 degrees.

  • every fever that lasts longer than three days.

What is a febrile seizure?

If your child's temperature rises suddenly, quickly, it is pale and stiff, twitching uncontrollably, and perhaps even faints, then it has a fever-induced seizure. It's scary to see the child but rarely hurt. Although they take a seemingly endless, a spasm usually ends at the latest after 20 seconds. If a convulsion lasts longer than four minutes, then call an ambulance or take your baby in a hospital emergency room immediately. Do not cramp your baby during a hold, or to suppress the spasms. Simply loosen the clothing and make the child a pacifier or a bottle from his mouth (it will not swallow his tongue). If it is not the first time, you usually have an anticonvulsant suppositories at home, you should then enter the rectum. After the febrile seizure, you can call the doctor.

I note that my feverish child?

Parents usually notice it when you touch the babies or kiss your brow (studies have found that the method in 75% of all cases gives absolutely correct results). For the exact temperature you take a thermometer . For children under three years, you should take none of that goes into the mouth. If your baby is too small, then measure the rectal butt. It is more accurate than the measurement under the armpit. There is about half a degree measured too low, so they expect it to in your mind.

How can I treat a fever?

You have to do anything, as long as your child does not feel uncomfortable or have ever had febrile seizures. Here are a few measures that help the baby have to deal with the fever:

  • Pull him light cotton clothing (do not unpack it a, so that it exudes the fever).

  • Put it in a cool room. If necessary, put a fan next to the crib, use only a sheet or thin blanket to cover.

  • Give him lots of fluids. Small babies need a lot of what they normally drink - that breast milk or formula milk . If you have already introduced other liquids, then you give him water, ice, clear soups, or diluted fruit juice.
  • Try a bath. Put your child in a lukewarm bath and rub his body gently with a soft sponge or washcloth. Dry the baby is not off, let the water evaporate. This is the fever within 10 to 20 minutes. You can also create hot legs in a leg wound. But they take a dish towel that you dip in warm water, wring out and wrap around the calves of her child. The child can then transfer heat to the coil, so that the temperature decreases.

Read more tips on how to reduce fever, of course. If the baby fever bad, then why not get a doctor to prescribe antipyretic suppository. Keep in mind that fever is a healthy reaction of the body, with which he defends itself against infections. Give a child under 12 years without ever consulting the doctor aspirin. This could be a rare but - called Reye's syndrome lead - fatal disease. (If Walgreens on, because there were higher doses of aspirin given to us-very rare!)

What should not I do?

  • Prescribe your child no strict bed rest. Although it should not overdo it, smaller operations are quite good.

  • Starve a fever not - babies need lots of calories and plenty to drink.

  • Do not worry too much. Some babies have a fever and they will still magnificent. Others suffer a little, but with proper care, your baby will soon be back on the dam.

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