Friday, November 9, 2012

Heat rash in babies

What is heat rash?

If your toddler has suddenly bright red buttons on the neck, under the arms or around the edges of his diaper or underwear, do not panic! It is without doubt that heat rash. Also known as miliary eruption sudamina, they take the form of pimples or red roses blades. They can occur when your baby is too hot if the temperature is high and damp air. The buttons are often in the folds of the skin and parts of the body where clothes rub, as the chest, stomach, neck, crotch and buttocks. If your child wears a hat, the buttons can even invade the scalp or forehead.

Heat rash are they serious?

No, but they indicate that your baby is too hot. Undress him and remember to moisturize regularly offering him water to drink.

What is the cause?

When the weather is hot and humid, your child sweats to dissipate heat. If the pores of the skin are clogged and sweat can not be removed, heat rash appear. (Young children are particularly susceptible to heat rash because their pores are smaller than adults). Thick or tight clothing can also retain sweat, promote irritation. A child may also develop heat rash when it has a high temperature that makes sweat a lot.

Heat rash are they painful for my toddler?

No, they are generally not painful, but they may itch and some buttons are touch sensitive.

How to treat heat rash?

Start with your child cool. Loosen or remove his clothes and put it in a ventilated room or a shady location. Cool then directly affected areas with a glove wet and cold. A warm bath can also be helpful. Let air dry the skin as much as possible, rather than using a towel. Stay a little while naked can help cure pimples. If your baby seems irritable and cries when you touch his skin, apply a soothing lotion to scale (ask your pharmacist). Avoid ointments and other lotions which may aggravate pimples retaining moisture in the skin. If it continues to warm at night, place a fan near your child's bed.

Seek advice from your doctor or pediatrician if your child has a elevated temperature.
Keep an eye on your child if the temperature drops, it may be cold and need to be reheated.

How to prevent heat rash?

In warm weather, dress your child in loose clothing and light so it feels good and does not sweat. Although there is no evidence that a certain type of fabric is better than another, dermatologists argue that natural fabrics such as cotton, allowing the skin to sweat more efficiently than, for example, synthetic fabrics. To check if your baby is too hot, then touch his skin. If it is hot and humid, it is too hot. When it is hot, keep your child indoors or looking for a cool, shady and well ventilated so it sits and plays out. Be sure to drink a lot so he does not dehydrate.

Should I take my child to the doctor or pediatrician for heat rash?

Consult your doctor or pediatrician if your child has a elevated temperature (38.5 ° C) and does not respond to medications or technical refresh, or if the buttons do not disappear after three or four days, or seem worse.

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