Wednesday, November 14, 2012

What to do when baby refuses to nap

The sleep rhythm of each child is unique. Some babies sleep more during the day, others at night. Almost all babies are napping. Most infants are 3 naps per day, some rather two longer naps. From 1 year, many toddlers do more than nap a day (usually in the afternoon).

Some tips for that baby gets enough sleep during the day.

Establish a ritual. A ritual helps your child understand what will happen. It also allows you to know what time of day your child is usually tired, hungry, when he wants to play. You do not need to have strict rituals and watch the clock! Just make sure that certain things happen at about the same time each day. You will both rhythm.

Let your child sleep in the same place.Ideally, it would need a nap where he sleeps at night, so that he can associate sleep with a particular place. It can, of course, sleep in the car while driving or in the stroller if you're not at home, but give him as much as possible, used to sleep in the same place. If your child goes to nursery, do always sleep in the same room when it is at home.

Share a quiet moment with your child before his nap, as you do before bed at night. Pull the curtains, read a story or sing a little song to make him understand that it's nap time.

Put your baby to bed as soon as he begins to tire. Parents often make the mistake of waiting too long before laying their child to nap. You must seize this moment of fatigue. Your little one will fall asleep quickly and easily. If you wait too long, it will be too upset, tired and have more trouble falling asleep. Learn to recognize the signs of fatigue, your little one. Some rub their eyes, others agitated, cranky or are looking into the void. As soon as your child understand that he is tired, lay it quickly.

Try to teach your child to sleep alone. Around the age of 3 months, your baby should begin to learn how to fall asleep alone, either by sucking his thumb tightly in a blanket fort, a blanket, or simply indulging in sleep. Give him the opportunity to sleep alone instead of rocking or feeding it to sleep. From the moment your child learns to "spot" you will see that his naps last longer.

Helping your child develop good sleep habits requires patience. By establishing an early age will help your toddler sleep better in the months and years to come. 

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