Tuesday, November 6, 2012

The stools of your baby: what is normal and what is not

Moms spend a lot of time to inspect the layers of their offspring! They often worry that their baby's stools are not the right color or the right consistency, or because their child's dirty diaper too often or not enough contrast.

But in this field must not forget that what is normal for your baby depends on:

  • the age of your child
  • how you feed: at be or baby bottle
  • the presence or absence of solid foods in the diet of your child
Your child's stools will change throughout its first year and may even change from one day to another. Do not worry, you will soon be able to identify what is normal and what is not.

How often is my baby supposed to have a bowel movement?

There are no fixed rules. In the first months of your baby's life, depending on whether you breast or if you feed your baby baby bottle. Babies breastfed and who do not solid foods may soil their beds as well four times a day or more than once every three days ! Often, bottle-fed babies need to poop every day to be comfortable and not be constipated. Many babies cry and twitch slightly when making a saddle, but that does not mean there is a problem. As long as your baby's stools are soft and out easilyThere is no need to worry.

What should resemble the stool of my baby?

The first stool produced by your baby a few days after birth correspond to meconium. They consist of mucus, amniotic fluid and all that your child has swallowed when he was in your belly. Meconium is a dark green sticky material that looks like tar. Its appearance is not very pleasant, but its presence is a sign that your child's intestines are working properly.
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What will look the stool of my baby if I breastfeed?

Colostrum, the first milk you produce, acts as a laxative to help your baby to evacuate his bowels of meconium. Once the production of breast milk itself starts, your baby's stools change. You will notice:
  • they are lighter brown and green to spend a sort of mustard yellow, and their odor is less unpleasant.
  • their texture is flaccid and sometimes granular or curdled.
During their first weeks of lifeSome babies dirty their layer during or after each feeding. On average, babies pooping four times a day during their first week of life.. This number will gradually decrease, and the digestive system of your baby will eventually find its rhythm. Some babies and their dirty layer at times quite similar every day. Other breastfed babies pooping a few times a week or only once. This is not a problem as long as your child's stools are not hard and are easily removed. . The pace of change if your baby:
  • you introduce solid foods in his diet,
  • your child is sick,
  • feedings decrease.

What's it like stools a bottle-fed baby?

If you feed your baby a bottle, the stool may be different from those of a breastfed baby including:
  • a thicker consistency as faeces of a breastfed baby (like toothpaste). This is due to the fact that milk powder does not have the same components as breast milk..
  • pale yellow or yellow brown.
  • almost as fragrant as those of an adult.
The bottle-fed babies are more likely to be constipated that babies breastfed. Consult your doctor or pediatrician if you are concerned about your child.

My baby's stools will be different if I switch to milk powder?

If you switch from breast milk to milk powderTry to do it gradually and ideally over several weeks. This will allow your baby's digestive system to adjust and limit the risk of constipation for your child, but also painful and swollen breasts and a obstruction for you. Once your baby is suitable for milk powder, and the stool frequency may well completely change.

What will look like my baby's stool when he starts eating solid foods?

When your baby will start eating solid foods, His stools will radically change depending on what it will consume. So if your child eats mashed carrots, the content of the layer will clearly orange. You certainly notice that fiber-rich foods such as raisins or cooked white beans are not digested by your baby but they come as such directly in his bed. This should change as your child grows. It will be better able to digest fiber. As feeding your baby becomes more diverse, the stools become thicker, darker and more fragrant.

What's it like stools "abnormal"?

Diarrhea Your baby may have diarrhea if:
  • stools are not very liquid in grain,
  • his stools are more frequent or heavier than usual,
  • stools are expelled or gush uncontrollably,
If you are breastfeeding your baby, it is less likely to suffer from diarrhea. In fact, breastmilk protects the digestive system. The bottle-fed babies are more susceptible to infection and that is why it is important to wash equipment used and always wash your hands before preparing the feed. If your baby has diarrhea, it may be due to:
  • infection such as gastroenteritis,
  • excessive consumption of fruit or fruit juice
  • a reaction to a drug,
  • intolerance or allergy to a food,
Your baby may react strongly to milk powder if you bottle feed. Do not hesitate to consult your pediatrician or doctor before changing brand of milk powder because it is perhaps not the cause digestive problems for your baby. If your baby Teething, The stool can be softer than usual, but it should not cause diarrhea. This phase does not last long but can cause erythema of the buttocks. For older babies, diarrhea can also be a sign of constipation severe. It happens when liquid stool flowing while hard stools remain blocked. Diarrhea should go away without treatment after 24 hours. If this is not the case, consult your doctor or pediatrician for your child may be dehydrate. If your baby has had at least six episodes of diarrhea in the last 24 hours, see your doctor urgently . Constipation Often babies get all red and grow stronger when they poop. This is normal. Conversely, you may suspect a case of constipation when:
  • your baby seems to really have a hard time to poop.
  • your child's stools are small and dry and resemble rabbit droppings or when they are hard and bulky.
  • your baby gets upset easily, squirms and cries when he poops.
  • Your baby belly is hard to the touch.
  • your baby's stools contain blood. This may be due to small tears in the skin called anal fissures that occur when your child's stools are too hard and too big. .
Often, breast-fed babies suffer fewer constipation that bottle-fed babies. In fact, the nutrients found in breast milk promotes loose stools. An excess of powdered milk in the bottle can also cause constipation. Follow the manufacturer's instructions carefully when you prepare a bottle. Pour first the recommended amount of water before adding the milk powder. Constipation can also be caused by:
  • fever
  • dehydration
  • a change in the consumption of liquid
  • a change in diet
  • taking certain drugs
  • .
Sometimes older babies become constipated to avoid pain. It may be the case if a small tear them suffer at the anus (anal fissure). Your child remembers to poop so to avoid pain. It is increasingly constipated and the pain is even stronger when it eventually evacuate the stool: it is a vicious circle.. Take your baby as soon as possible to your doctor or pediatrician if constipated, especially if you detect traces of blood in his stool. They will find the origin of these disorders.. You will probably be advised to increase fluid intake for your child but if the fiber is already consuming solid foods. Stewed prunes or apricots can be an easy way to do it. It also recommends the consumption of water rich in magnesium. Selles vertes Green stools can be a sign that your baby is getting too much lactose (the natural sugar in milk). This can happen if you feed your child often but it is not getting enough milk feeding end. This milk is in fact richer and can satisfy your baby. Make sure your baby's head through each breast before switching to the other. If symptoms persist beyond 24 hours, see your doctor or pediatrician. Green stools may be due to:
  • brand of milk powder that you use to prepare your baby's bottle. Some formulas give stools dark green appearance..
  • a food sensitivity.
  • side effects due to the making of a medicament.
  • own eating habits to your baby.
  • an intestinal virus.

Very pale stools

This may be a sign of jaundiceA symptom which often suffer newborns and disappears two weeks after they are born. It is recommended to consult a doctor or pediatrician if symptoms persist.

Ask your pediatrician or your doctor to listen your baby if you think it is not jaundice..

Traces of blood

It may be that you notice the blood in stool if your baby is constipated. Pushing hard can cause small tears in the skin around the anus (anal fissures) that bleed when your baby poops.
If you notice blood in the stool of your baby, consult your doctor or pediatrician..

The trick our pediatrician "When you really have a doubt about your baby's stools, bring a layer to your pediatrician recent stool of your baby. Then wrap well in different plastic bags."
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