Friday, November 23, 2012

The main stages of development: the first baby teeth

The first baby teeth

Teething is not a baby step succeeds once. The transition from a toothless grin to a mouthful of teeth can take up to three years.

Everything starts in the womb. During pregnancy, the fetus is developing tooth buds which are the bases of baby teeth (also called milk teeth). These buds begin to break through the gum between 3 and 12 months. You will see that first tooth, a tangible sign that your child grows to six months, which is when he starts to eat solid food . To his 3 years, he has a mouth full of small teeth that may start brushing alone (with a little help from you). This is a first step towards independence.

At what age baby teeth out there?

A baby born in 2000 with one or two teeth! But the vast majority of them see their first tooth break between 6 and 7 months. It may appear earlier than three months and no later than one year. The last teeth (second molars, which are located at the rear, bottom or top of the jaw) are usually at their place during the second year. At three years old, your child should have all 20 of its baby teeth.

How does the arrival of the first tooth?

For most babies and parents, the arrival of the first tooth is not much fun and can shoot length. The first symptoms (hypersalivation and a lot of pain) before the output of a month or two. You will have to get up at night to comfort your baby will suffer from tooth pain out. For pain relief, your child can begin to bite, but not anger or hostility. Give him something to chew or rub his gums with your finger to ease the pain.

The gums may also swell when your child is teething, which give red cheeks puffy. While some parents report that their baby is feverish or the diarrhea when a tooth is about to come out, most experts agree that teething does not cause disease. At worst, your child may have a cold A small flu or stomach problems, which require you to go to the doctor.

Not feel the luckiest little or during teething. From one week to another, you will see in the toothless mouth of your baby a little bit of white on the gum. Celebrate the first tooth by taking several photos and note his arrival in the book of your child's birth.

Teeth out one after the other, first the lower incisors and upper incisors, premolars and molars. Tooth development is hereditary. If you've had yours early, there's a good chance that the same is true for your child.

The next step

The teeth will not fall until the permanent teeth of your child are ready to go out, at the age of 6 years.

How can you help?

There is nothing to be done to remove the teeth, but you can comfort your baby if it hurts when the process is underway. Give him something to chew first as teething rings that you stored in the refrigerator. Eat cold food, such as applesauce or yogurt out of the refrigerator, it can also be good.

If your baby suffers very much, you can give him a measuring spoon of paracetamol, according to its weight and seeking advice from your doctor.

If a fever or crying a lot, go see your doctor. He may be a otitis or another disease.

Once the teeth are removed, they must be kept clean. The first year, it will not be useful to brush his teeth, but try to clean them at least once a day. This may be part of the bedtime ritual. Your child may be ready to have a toothbrush in his mouth, then rub his gums and teeth with a clean cloth. Never put your child to bed with a bottle. Milk can stagnate in his mouth at night and cause cavities called "baby bottle syndrome".

Check with your pediatrician or dentist whether to give your child fluoride. To 18 months, your child can learn to brush their teeth. It will help you check and for several years if they are well brushed, but it is a good habit to get into. Show him how to move the brush his teeth. Use a soft brush and a little bit of toothpaste. There is no need to paint in a particular direction, just try to remove bits of food and clean the surface of the teeth and gums.

If your child does not like the taste of toothpaste, change brands or do not use. Toothpaste is not necessary if your child does not eat sugar, which is highly recommended. If he eats some sweets at a birthday for example, brush her teeth after or encourage them to finish the meal with a piece of cheese. To his third birthday, make an appointment with the dentist to get your child to check his teeth.

When to worry?

Premature babies often take a few months longer than others to make their teeth. If your toddler still has no teeth to a year, talk to your doctor. If he has all the symptoms (lots of drooling, swollen gums) and seem to have very little (inconsolable crying serve as clues), see your doctor. Teething should not be synonymous with intolerable suffering to a baby.

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